
Each Domain has a default Domain Variable titled global.domainname.loopCount, which can be used to alter the amount of data generated (# of records) for the Domain (at the template level). 

This variable defaults to 1 when a Domain is created and can be altered from the Domain Dashboard. 

When should the loopCount value be changed?

  • Any time a user wants to generate more than 1 record of test data. 
  • Loop counts can be changed at the Domain (Template), Scenario, or Test Data Case level (Recommended). 

How to Change the loopCount Value at the Domain (Template) Level

  • Click on the Domain within the Project Dashboard to access the Domain Dashboard.

  • Click on the Pencil to change the value in the Domain Variables section of the Domain Dashboard.

  • Enter the desired Value for the variable and click Save.

  • The new Value will appear in the Value column for the variable. In this example, the value has been changed from 1 to 25.