
The .genrocket folder is the GenRocket setup folder, which gets created automatically in the User's Home Directory/Folder by default (usually C:\Users\User Name\).

The GenRocket runtime engine looks for the following kinds of files in the .genrocket folder/directory:

  • User/Server Profile (GRxxxxxProfile.grp) files
  • User/Server Offline Certificate (GRxxxxxCertificate.grc) files
  • GMUS Offline Certificate (GRxxxxxGMUSCertificate.grc) files
  • GenRocket properties ( file
  • Library files (GeneratorDescriptions.lib & ReceiverDescriptions.lib) required to use GenRocket APIs

To override the location where the .genrocket folder should be created on the user's system locally, you can define an environment variable GENROCKET_DOT_DIR and provide the desired path in the value field.

Setting up Environment Variable on OSX or Linux

You must edit your shell's startup file, typically .bashrc, .profile, or .bash_profile, in your home directory. The file name will differ for newer operating systems using the ZSH shell. 

Add the following lines:

export GENROCKET_DOT_DIR=/folderName/subFolderName

Step 1 - Add the Environment Variable

Let's assume the .genrocket path needs to be set up for the Documents directory path, i.e., /home/johndoe/Documents. Then the environment variable GENROCKET_DOT_DIR value should be like this:

export GENROCKET_DOT_DIR=/home/johndoe/Documents

Step 2 - Run the "genrocket" command in Terminal Window

  • Open a new terminal session and type genrocket on the command line.
  • Press the Enter Key.

    Note: You are all set if you do not receive any errors.
  • If the GENROCKET_DOT_DIR Environment Variable declaration is made correctly, you'll see a message saying, "Override .genrocket Location: true."
  • A default .genrocket folder will automatically be created in your defined GENROCKET_DOT_DIR Environment Variable Path (for example, /home/YourName/Documents).

Setting up Environment Variable on Windows

Open the Start Menu on your Windows computer and complete these steps: 

  • Click on the Windows icon.
  • Type environment into the Search Bar.
  • Select Edit the system environment variables option in the search results.

  • Click on Environment Variables at the bottom of the System Properties window.

  • In the User Variables section, click New...

Step 1a - Add the Environment Variable

  • Value: The value is the location path of the GenRocket RunTime. 
    • Example:  C:\Users\yourName\Documents
  • Click OK.

Step 1b - Save Your Changes

  • Click OK within the Environment Variables dialog to save your changes.

    Note: The GENROCKET_DOT_DIR value will change to this once saved: (C:\Users\User Name\Documents).

  • Click OK again to close the System Properties window.

    Note: You must close these windows before opening a new command prompt. Otherwise, the changes will not be recognized.

Step 2 - Run the genrocket Command

  • Open a new command prompt since the Environment Variable values are modified.

    Note: If you do not know where your command prompt program is, use the Search Bar in the Windows Start Menu.

  • Type genrocket into the command prompt and press the Enter Key.

Note: You are all set if you do not receive any errors.

  • If the GENROCKET_DOT_DIR Environment Variable declaration is made correctly, you'll see a message saying, "Override .genrocket Location: true."

  • A default .genrocket folder will automatically be created in your defined GENROCKET_DOT_DIR Environment Variable Path (for example, C:\Users\User Name\Documents).

Note: After completing the setup, please place the required setup files in this newly set up .genrocket folder so that the GenRocket runtime runs smoothly.