
This article defines the syntax for creating a G-Repository Server.  

Run Command to Create a G-Repository Server (GRS)

Syntax: -grsrvc

Example: Example: genrocket -grsrvc

Command Example - Step by Step

Step 1 - Create a G-Repository Server Base Subdirectory

On the computer where you want to create a new G-Repository Server, bring up a command-line terminal.

From the home directory, make a base subdirectory for the G-Repository sever.

mkdir GRepositoryServer

Change to the subdirectory you just created.

cd GRepositoryServer

Step 2 - Run the GenRocket Command to Create a G-Repository Server

Enter the GenRocket command to create your G-Repository.

> genrocket -grsrvc

Step 3 - Verify You're in the Correct Subdirectory 

If you have changed to the G-Repository Server directory you created, answer y to move to the next question; otherwise, answer n to start over.

Are you sure you want to create your G-Repository in /Users/repoServer/GRepositoryServer? (y/n): y

Step 4 - Verify the Organization 

This option will only be present if more than one option to choose from multiple organizations is offered.

Are you sure you want to create a g-repository-server for organization YourOrgName (y/n): y

Step 5 - Specify the Server port number 

Define the local Server port number on which it will communicate. The default is 8020.

Please enter Server port number or hit Enter to accept port 8020:

Note: If the G-Repository Server will be run on HTTPS protocol, the recommended port is 8443. However, any port can be used, and that port will need to be used when creating a G-Repository Client. 

Step 6 - Specify the Download port number 

Define the local Download port number on which the data is downloaded. The default is 8021.

Please enter Download port number or hit Enter to accept port 8021:

Step 7 - Specify the Server Name 

Defining a server's name allows GenRocket to monitor a server's health.

===== G-RepositoryServer Names Currently In Use =====




Please enter G-Repository Server name: TestServer1

A G-Repository Server already exists with the name TestServer1. Please select an action:

  1. Enter a new name different from TestServer1

  2. Override the existing Server: 2

Updated the G-Repository server with name TestServer1