
A user's steps to delete a Project/Project Version will vary based on the permission level of the Deletion Permission Policy. The following applies to users attempting to delete a Project/Project Version.

  • Organization Admin - An Organization Admin may delete a Project/Project Version without requesting permission.

  • Creator - The user who created the Project/Project Version can delete it without requesting permission.

  • Other Users - Any user who is not an Organization Admin or the Creator must send a Deletion Request to either the Creator or an Organization Admin.

In This Article

Deletion Steps for Organization Admins or Creators

A user who has permission to delete a Project/Project Version can complete the following steps:

Step 1: Click on the Delete (Trash Can) icon for a Project/Project Version.

Step 2: Click Yes in the prompt.

Note: Click No to exit without deleting the Project/Project Version.  

Deletion Steps for Other Users

Note: This example shows the steps for a Project Deletion Request. The steps are the same when sending a Project Version Deletion Request. 

Any user who does not have permission to delete a Project/Project Version will need to send a Deletion Request to an Organization Admin or the Creator. To do so, a user will need to complete the following steps:

Step 1: Click on the Delete (Trash Can) icon for a Project/Project Version. The system will check the user's permission to determine if the user needs permission to delete the Project/Project Version.

A Project Deletion Request dialog window will be presented for obtaining permission from an Organization Admin (or Creator) to delete the Project/Project Version. 

Step 2: Use the Plus (+) icon to add an Organization Admin (or the Creator) from the provided list and send a Deletion Request. 

Step 3: Then click on the Send Request button to continue. 

Note: Please see the next section of this article to learn how to cancel a Deletion Request from this dialog window. 

Step 4: Click on the Send Request button again within the Send Request Confirmation dialog window to confirm. 

Step 5: Click OK in the Success dialog window to close it. 

The system will send a confirmation email to the user.

User Steps for Canceling a Deletion Request

Within the Project Deletion Request dialog window, a user can choose to cancel the Deletion Request. Complete the following steps to do so: 

Step 1: Click on the Cancel Request button within the Project Deletion Request dialog window to cancel the request. 

Step 2: Click the Confirm Cancel Request button within the prompt to cancel. 

Note: To return to the previous form for sending the request, click the Do not Cancel button.

Organization Admin/Creator Steps for Approving a Deletion Request

The Organization Admin/Creator will receive an email notifying them of the user's intention to delete the Project/Project Version. They can choose to delete or not delete the Project/Project Version and provide a reason for not deleting it.

The following steps will need to be completed by the Organization Admin (or Creator) to delete the Project/Project Version: 

Step 1: Click on the Respond to Request button within the email. 

Step 2: If not currently logged into the GenRocket web application, the user will be redirected to the login page and need to log in.

Step 3: Click on the Delete Project button within the Project Deletion Request page after logging in to delete the Project/Project Version.

Step 4: Click on the Yes button within the Delete Project dialog window to confirm. 

Step 5: The system will send a deletion confirmation email to the Organization Admin (or Creator) and the user. 

Organization Admin/Creator Steps for Declining a Deletion Request

The following steps will need to be completed by the Organization Admin/Creator to decline a Deletion Request for a Project/Project Version: 

Step 1: Click on the Respond to Request button within the email. 


Step 2: If not currently logged into the GenRocket web application, the user will be redirected to the login page and need to log in.

Step 3: Click on the Decline Request button to cancel the deletion request.

Step 4: Enter a reason for denying the request. Once finished, click on the Decline button. 

An email notification will be sent to the user with the reason for declining the Deletion Request.