G-Repository related requests to GMUS are added to a queue to ensure that only one G-Repository request is handled at a time. This is a separate queue that has been created for tracking of G-Repository related requests only. The method type for these requests is POST.
How does the queue work?
- The request is added to the GMUS G-Repo queue.
- After a few seconds, the request is picked from the queue for processing.
- The request is processed (e.g., Scenario, Scenario Chain, Scenario Chain Set, G-Rule, G-Story, etc.)
- After processing has been completed, the request is moved into a history table. This table is for tracking what requests have been sent to GMUS.
Who can use these API endpoints?
- Any user can use these API endpoints to manage requests in the queue.
When should these API endpoints be used?
- Any time a user needs to monitor or clear records in the queue and queue history tables.
- Records in Queue - Pending requests that have not been processed yet.
- Records in Queue History - Requests processed with either a success or failure status.
GMUS G-Repo Queue API Requests
- Monitoring the GMUS G-Repo Queue
- Clearing the GMUS G-Repo Queue by ID
- Checking the GMUS G-Repo Queue History
- Clearing the GMUS G-Repo Queue History
Monitoring the GMUS G-Repo Queue
You can monitor the GMUS G-Repo queue with the following API request.
Clearing the GMUS G-Repo Queue
You can clear the GMUS G-Repo queue with the following API request:
Clearing the GMUS G-Repo Queue by ID
You can clear the GMUS G-Repo queue by ID with the following API request:
With JSON request payload containing the ID
Checking the GMUS G-Repo Queue History
You can check the GMUS G-Repo queue history with the following API request. The history, by default, lasts for 3 hours only for a queue process. However, the hours can be configured using a property historyDurationInHours from the GMUS properties file.
To check the queue history for a particular queue Id, you need to pass queueId as a parameter:
Clearing the GMUS G-Repo Queue History
You can clear the GMUS G-Repo queue history with the following API request: