
The ORCLoopSetGen Generator sets the Domain loopCount to the number of records in the configured ORC file. This Generator can be used with the ORCFileMaskReceiver to consider all the records within the source ORC file for masking. 

In This Article

When should the ORCLoopSetGen Generator be used? 

What are the benefits of using this Generator? 

  • It prevents the user from manually checking the file for total records and setting the value of the Domain loopCount variable.

Generator Parameters

The following parameters may be configured for the ORCLoopSetGen Generator. Items with an asterisk* are required. 

  • filePath* - Defines the path where the ORC file is located.
  • fileSubDir - Defines an optional subdirectory under the filePath where the ORC file exists.
  • fileName* - Defines the name of the ORC file to open.

Use Case Example

A tester has an ORC file that needs to be masked using the ORCFileMaskReceiver. They want all records in the file to be masked in the generated ORC output file. To do so, they will need to complete the following steps: 

Step 1 - Assign the Generator an Attribute within the Domain

The ORCLoopSetGen Generator can be assigned to any Attribute within the Domain. A user can do so in one of the following ways: 
  1. Add a new Attribute and assign/configure the Generator
  2. Add as a linked Generator to an existing Domain Attribute

Note: If a new Attribute is being used, mark it as "not visible" so it is not included in the output.

Step 2 - Configure the ORCLoopSetGen Generator

Once assigned to an Attribute, configure the Generator parameters. A file path and the file name will need to be provided. An optional sub-directory can also be added to the Generator.

Step 3 - Add the ORCFileMaskReceiver to Domain

Next, add the ORCFileMaskReceiver to the Domain. For more information on configuring the ORCFileMaskReceiver and generating the data, please see: How do I use the ORCFileMaskReceiver?