
New GenRocket Generators, Receivers, and Engine Components are frequently added and released to production. The release notes are updated each time a release occurs and can be viewed here.

In order for GenRocket users to quickly and easily receive new releases, the Genrocket command line contains options to handle this task. This makes it essential to ensure you always have the most current Jar files in your genrocket/lib folder. 

Out-of-date Jar files can result in errors when GenRocket Runtime generates your test data.

In This Article

When Should Jar Files be Updated? 

  • Any time there is a release that does not include a new GenRocket Runtime Jar.

  • If a new GenRocket Runtime Jar is part of the release, follow these steps in this article for your operating system: How to Update GenRocket Runtime 

How to Check the Jar Versions

You can see the most recent jar versions from the Options menu in the GenRocket web platform. The number value at the end of each download option shows the current version.

Then check in the genrocket/lib folder to see what version is currently there. If it does not match, then you need to update your GenRocket jar files. Full path listed below: 

  • Windows - C:\Users\<Username>\genrocket\lib
  • Linux/Mac OS - /home/users/<username>/genrocket/lib

The example below shows the Receiver Jar File for the Windows operating system:


How to Update GenRocket Jar Files

You can enter a command to check for new versions of GenRocket component jars. If updates are found, one or more jars are automatically downloaded to the given computer and moved to the genrocket/lib directory.

The GenRocket jars that may be auto-downloaded and updated are the following:

  • Generator Jar - Contains GenRocket Generators
  • Receiver Jar - Contains GenRocket Receivers
  • Engine Jar - Contains Engine Components
  • Repository Client Jar - Contains G-Repository Client Components
  • Repository Server Jar - Contains G-Repository Server Components

Automatic Upgrade Command


Additional Command for Windows Machines

An additional command is needed to remove old jars from the genrocket/lib folder. 
