Attribute Hierarchy

Attributes can only reference other Attributes that are above them in the Attribute pane of a Domain. This is because the GenRocket engine traverses a Domain's set of Attributes in ascending order to call their associated Generators to generate data. Thus, while an Attribute may access an Attribute that is positioned below itself, it will return an empty value because Attributes below have not yet generated their data.


  • The firstName Attribute cannot reference any of the Attributes below it (middleInitial, lastName, etc.).
  • The username Attribute can reference any of the Attributes above it (ID, Version, lastName, etc.).

How to Change Attribute Hierarchy

Example: If a user wanted to have the username Attribute reference the firstName and lastName Attribute, they would need to drag the username Attribute below the firstName and lastName Attributes. Once this is done, the user can edit the username Attribute to reference the firstName and lastName attributes.

To switch the hierarchy of the Attributes for a Domain, complete the following steps: 

  • Click the Rearrange Attributes button above the Attribute list.

  • Find the Attribute that needs to be moved.

  • Drag the said Attribute to its new location in the Attribute list.

  • Click the Close button to save the change.