
The SwitchGen Generator emulates a Java switch statement. 

in This Article

Generator Parameters

The following parameters may be configured for the SwitchGen Generator. Items with an asterisk* are required. 

  • switch* - Defines the referenced variable that will be used to determine the switch.

  • default* - Defines the value that is selected if no switches are met.

  • caseList - Defines a list of switches. 
    • We recommend using no more than 15 values. 
    • If more than 15 are needed, it is best practice to use the MapCSVGen Generator to obtain a mapped value. 

  • actionList - Defines the list of actions to be taken when a given switch is matched. Actions may be references to another Attribute's generated value. 

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Additional Information

We recommend looking at the SwitchGen Linked Generator Design Pattern to make the most use of this Generator.