
The DateToMillisGen Generator converts a formatted date to its equivalent current time in milliseconds. 


  • 2001/01/01 12:30:45 -> 978352245000
  • 1901/01/01 12:30:45 -> -2177407755000
  • 2205/06/26 1:14:10 -> 7431095650000

Note: Dates before 1970 will generate a negative number. 


The following parameters may be configured for the DateToMillisGen Generator. Items with an asterisk* are required. 

  • format* - Defines the format of the date to be converted.

  • reference* - Defines the Attribute to reference whose Generator generates dates that conform to the date format.

Example 1: Create Milliseconds from Given Dates

This example uses two linked Generators to create milliseconds from given dates generated by one of the Generators. The linked Generators are: FlexibleDateRangeGen and DateToMillisGen

The reference Parameter references the FlexibleDateRangeGen Generator, as shown below: 

Note: To learn more about linking Generators, please see the following knowledge base section: Linked Generators.

FlexibleDateRangeGen Generator configuration is shown below: 

Sample Output 

gen1 = reference value

gen2 = Result, reference date to milliseconds