What is the Scenario Dashboard?

The Scenario Dashboard can be used to view and manage Scenarios within the web platform. 

In This Article

How to Access the Scenario Dashboard

The Scenario Dashboard can be accessed from two locations: 

  • Project Dashboard - Select a Scenario within the Scenarios pane. (shown below)
  • Domain Dashboard - Select a Scenario within the Domain Scenarios pane. 

How to Select Scenarios within the Scenario Dashboard

The Scenario Selection Menu above the Scenario Domains can be used to select a different Scenario within the Scenario Dashboard

Basic Scenario Information

Basic information about the Scenario (e.g., Scenario Name and Description) can be viewed and managed at the top of the Scenario Dashboard.

The following menus, options, and buttons can be found below the basic information for a Scenario: 

Select a Project Version Variable Set to use for a downloaded Scenario. To learn more about Project Version Variable Sets, click here.
Save changes made to a Scenario Name and Description.
Download a Scenario to a user's local computer for test data generation.

Copy of a Scenario within the same Template Domain.

Note: The copied Scenario will have the same configuration and can be modified without affecting the original Scenario.
Remove a Scenario from a Domain.
Make the Scenario stateful.
Make the Scenario stateless. Scenarios are stateless by default.
Create and manage Categories for Scenarios. It can also be used to place Scenarios in individual Categories.

Note: This is handy when users have a large number of Scenarios because it allows them to categorize Scenarios and search for them by Category within the Project Dashboard.
Initiate a lock at the Scenario Level. Locks prevent changes at the template level from cascading down to a Scenario at the Scenario Level.

Note: The Sync button will not be present when a Scenario is locked. 
Unlock a currently locked Scenario.
When a Scenario is locked, changes at the Template Level do not cascade down to the Scenario.

The Sync button can be used to sync the data and ensure the Scenario has all of the template level changes.

Scenario Domains Management Pane

The Scenario Domains Management Pane can be used to view, select, and manage Scenario Domains for a Scenario.

Add an existing Template Domain to the Scenario or create a new Scenario Domain.
Lock one or more Scenario Domains.
Unlock one or more Scenario Domains.
View the Template Domain configuration within the Domain Dashboard.
View references of a Scenario Domain. 
Remove a Scenario Domain.
View the Attributes for a Scenario Domain.

Scenario Domains Pane

The Scenario Domains Pane displays all Scenario Domains for a Scenario. Within this pane, users can view the Scenario Domain's:

  • Name
  • Loop Count Value
  • Test Data Summary
  • Primary Domain
  • Root Domain

Here, users can also add an existing Template Domain to the Scenario, add a new Domain to the Scenario, optimize the Scenario, and disable Non-Primary Receivers.

Add an existing Template Domain to the Scenario
Create a new Domain for the Scenario.
Remove Receivers from non-primary Domains.
Disable all Non-Primary Receivers. 
This icon expands the Scenario Domain in the left pane to show its Attributes.
View all references of a Scenario Domain.
Randomize the Scenario Domain loop count.
Change the Scenario Domain loop count. Use the Disk icon to save a change or the X icon to exit. 
Select a Primary Domain.

Scenario Domain Receivers Pane

The Scenario Domain Receivers Pane displays all Receivers for Scenario Domains. It can be used to enable or disable a Receiver for the Scenario and to add a Reference. Click on a Scenario Domain Receiver to select it within this pane. 

The Enable/Disable Receiver Pane can be used to enable or disable a Receiver for the Scenario. When a Receiver is disabled, it will not have a checkmark. 

A Reference can also be added to a Receiver. Double-click on the Reference field and select a tab (e.g., Domain Attributes, Global Variables, Organization Variables). Use the Plus (+) icon to make a selection.

Scenario Domain Generators Pane

The Scenario Domain Generators Pane displays all Generators that have been assigned to Scenario Domains.

Click on a Generator Name to view what Scenario Domain Attributes are using the Generator.

Scenario Variables Pane

The Scenario Variables Pane can be used to view, create, and manage Scenario Variables for a Scenario.

Create a new Scenario Variable. 
View all Scenario Variable references.
Change the Name and Value of a Scenario Variable.
Remove a Scenario Variable. 

Relationship Tab

The Relationship Tab can be used to view Parent-Child-Sibling Relationships for the Scenario.