Installation Requirements

Note: To learn more about GenRocket Runtime, click here.

1. Users must have an active User Account within their GenRocket Organization

Users must have an active User Account to complete GenRocket Runtime installation. An Org Admin must create a user account before a user can set up and use GenRocket Runtime on their local machine. For more information, please see the following articles: 

If your organization has Virtual Private Cloud (Multi-Tenant) hosting, then access from your corporate machine. If you cannot access this URL, you will need to send a request to your IT department to allow https access to this site. 

If your organization has chosen Dedicated Private Cloud (Single Tenant) hosting, then refer to your Org Admin for the login screen URL.

If your organization has been set up within the GenRocket web platform and you do not have an enabled User Account, please contact your Org Admin. 

2. Use a Supported Operating System and Browsers

  • Supported Operating Systems: Generally Windows, Linux, and macOS -- but GenRocket can support most OS that support Java.

  • Supported Browsers: Chrome, Chromium, Firefox, Safari and Microsoft Edge

GenRocket is able to run on nearly any machine that supports Java. For an optimal experience, we recommend your machine has the following:

  • 4 Core CPU 
  • 8GB RAM

4. Install a Minimum of Java 1.8 (JDK)

Your computers must have, at minimum, Java 8 installed to run GenRocket. You can verify your version of Java from the command line.

  • GenRocket does not support the following versions of Java:
    • Java 1.8 u20 
  • To see a complete list of supported Java Versions, click here.

Note 1: Some of the Generators take memory to maintain the uniqueness of random data that is being generated; therefore, along with the JAVA_HOME environment variable, also set the JAVA_OPTS environment variable.

For Windows users, set JAVA_OPTS to:

-Xms512m -Xmx2048m -XX:-UseGCOverheadLimit

For Linux/Mac users, set JAVA_OPTS to:

-Xms512m -Xmx2048m -XX:PermSize=512m -XX:MaxPermSize=2048m

Note 2: For versions greater than Java 9+, please update the JAVA_OPTS environment variable:

JAVA_OPTS=-Xms512m -Xmx2048m --add-opens java.base/jdk.internal.loader=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens jdk.zipfs/jdk.nio.zipfs=ALL-UNNAMED

Next Steps - Install GenRocket Runtime

To learn how to install GenRocket Runtime, please see one of the following articles: 

Note: Don’t Install the GenRocket Runtime on a Secure or Virtual Drive. Because of the security setting implemented by companies, GenRocket may not run on secure drives. Please make sure your team installs GenRocket on their unsecured drive (usually the C:\ drive.)