What is an Organization Resource?

(previously referred to as Global Resources)

Organization Resources are variables shared by all users throughout an organization but whose values may differ for each user. They are available to all Projects and Project Versions within the organization and are added to GenRocket by the Organization Admin. 

Organization Resources allow each user to enter their own directory path for shared resources. This makes it possible for any user within a given Organization to download a Scenario and run it on their local computer.

These resources are most often referenced by Receiver parameters and Generator parameters to avoid hard-coding a value that may be specific to a particular user. 

Any time a change is made to a resource, the user will need to download their profile again and place it in their .genrocket folder before they can generate test data. 

In This Article

When Should Organization Resources be Used? 

  • Any time a user wants to run a GenRocket Scenario and generate test data using GenRocket Runtime on their local machine or using a server.

What Types of Resources Can Be Created?

Default Organization Resources

The following three resources are available, by default, for every Organization. 

  • resource.home.directory - defines the user's home directory path, where GenRocket Runtime will look for required test data generation items such as Scenarios and G-Cases at the time of test data generation.
  • resource.jdbc.directory - defines the location of config.properties file(s) used for database connections.
  • resource.output.directory - defines where generated output files will be saved. 

In the example below, the user will be generating test data on their local computer, running the Windows OS:

Note: Org Admins can set up additional resources (user and server) within the GenRocket web platform as needed. General users can only alter a resource's value and select Server Resources (when available).

How do Organization Resources Work?

Each Organization Resource consists of the following:

  • Resource Name - Shared by all users within the organization.
  • Resource Value - Defined per user in the organization.

They can be viewed in the upper right corner of the Project Dashboard after the user logs into the GenRocket web platform. Users can edit the resource value to enter their own defined path.

Example Mac/Linux Resource Setup
The Resource Value will appear as shown below when GenRocket is set up and used on a Linux/Mac computer. 

Example Windows Resource Setup

For the Windows operating system, the drive must be included within the path entered as the Resource value. 

What Resources Need to be Configured Before a User Can Run Scenarios?

This will depend on several factors, including where the information will be stored and accessed. Here are some examples:  

  • Generate Files on Local or Shared Machine
    • resource.home.directory
    • resource.output.directory

  • Query from or Insert into a Database
    • resource.home.directory
    • resource.jdbc.directory
    • resource.output.directory

  • Generate Data on a Server Resource
    Typically required when a Server has no users tied to it and will be used in an automated testing environment. 
    • Add the Server Resource
    • Set up Server Resources (they have the same three default resources)

Can I Use the Same Path for Every Resource?

  • No, it is not recommended to use the same path for all resources. This could result in an error during test data generation and potentially slow the process down.

  • For the resource.home.directory resource, the user should enter their home directory:
    • Windows -  C:\Users\username
    • Mac OSx or Linux - /Users/Username

  • For other resources, it is recommended to add an additional subdirectory (e.g., output, databases, etc.)

What Should I Do When a Displayed Resource is Not Needed? 

All added resources for the organization will appear here but may not be necessary for every GenRocket user. If additional Organization Resources are present and not needed by a user, then a N/A can be entered as the value. 

This will allow users to configure their resources appropriately and download their GenRocket User Profile (my profile.prg) to run Scenarios and generate test data. 

If no value is entered, the user will receive an error when downloading their profile in the GenRocket web platform.

Usage Example

Let's say there are 2 users who want to download and run the same project Scenario on their local machines:

  • Mary Jones will define her output directory path as, /Users/MaryJones/Output
  • David Smith will define a different for himself as, /Users/David/TestData

If Mary had hard-coded her path on a Receiver or Generator that was included in a given Scenario, then if David was to download the same Scenario, it would not run successfully on his computer because his output path would be different. 

This is where Organization Resources provide a helping hand. Organization Resources make it possible for the second user to enter a different output directory path for running the same Scenario. Now both users are able to download the Scenario without affecting one another!

Additional Information



Connecting to DatabasesGenRocket can connect to most databases with an available JDBC Driver. How do I connect GenRocket Runtime to a Database?
Offline CertificateGenRocket Runtime can be used while connected to a secure network or offline. To use GenRocket Runtime offline, you must add an offline certificate to your .genrocket folder in your home directory.
Using an Offline Certificate for Corporate Environments 
G-RepositoryAn alternative to the Offline Certificate that provides the same benefits and more. Users do not have to manage the downloading of files when set up, and organizations gain access to additional reporting features. G-Repository Articles