The KafkaInsertReceiver sends the generated data to the Kafka Broker and, upon receiving a response, stores the response payload to a file.
In This Article
Receiver Parameters
The following parameters can be defined for the KafkaInsertReceiver. Items with an asterisk (*) are required:
- configPath* - Defines the location of the configuration file.
- configSubDir - Defines the sub-directory within the config directory.
- configName* - Defines the name of the configuration file.
- topic* - Defines the topic of the message.
- messageType* - Defines what type of message do you want to send.
- delimiter - Defines the delimiter if message type is CSV.
- threadCount* - Defines the number of requests that may be sent simultaneously.
- responsePath - Defines the location where the response file will be saved.
- responseSubDir - Defines the sub-directory within the directory where the response file will be saved.
- responseFileName - Defines the name of the response file.
- partitions - Defines the partitions separated by comma.
- partitionOrder - Defines the order to send data into partitions.
Sample Kafka Producer Config file
bootstrap.servers=localhost:9092 acks=all retries=0 buffer.memory=33554432 key.serializer=org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringSerializer value.serializer=org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringSerializer
Receiver Attribute Property Keys
The Receiver defines four property keys that can be modified on any of its associated Domain Attributes:
- include - Determines if the Attribute will be included in the output.
- columnName - Defines the name of the Element or Attribute that will be written in the XML output, depending on the exportStyle chosen.
- useQuotes - Determines if a value should be quoted. Sometimes a numeric value should be quoted (e.g. SSN).
- xmlType - Determines how the XML is formatted.