
The KafkaDirectoryReceiver sends the data from one or more files from one or more directories to Kafka Broker and, upon receiving a response, stores the response payload to a file. 

In This Article

Receiver Parameters

The following parameters can be defined for the KafkaDirectoryReceiver. Items with an asterisk (*) are required: 

  • payloadFilesPath* -Defines the base location of the files to send data from.
  • payloadFilesSubDir-Defines the naming convention for sub-directories within the payloadFilesPath. Example: 
    • data1
    • data2
    • data3
  • configPath* - Defines the location of the configuration file. 
  • configSubDir - Defines the sub-directory within the config directory. 
  • configName* - Defines the name of the configuration file.
  • topic* - Defines the topic of the message.
  • threadCount* - Defines the number of requests that may be sent simultaneously. 
  • responsePath - Defines the location where the response file will be saved. 
  • responseSubDir - Defines the sub-directory within the directory where the response file will be saved. 
  • responseFileName - Defines the name of the response file. 
  • partitions - Defines the partitions separated by a comma.
  • partitionOrder - Defines the order to send data into partitions.

Receiver Attribute Property Keys

There are no property keys necessary for this Receiver.