
The PartitionFileMergeReceiver merges non-nested partitioned data from many files into one file. Non-nested partitioned data is flat data (e.g.e Delimited, Fixed, SQL) that does not require nesting during the merge process. 

Partition data generated by GenRocket Partition Receivers are expected to follow a common directory structure of: /home/user/outputPath/outputSubDir/serverN/instanceN/dataFileNameN


The following parameters can be defined for the PartitionFileMergeReceiver. Items with an asterisk (*) are required. 

  • outputPath* - Defines the base path for where data files to be merged are stored. 
  • outputSubDir - Defines an optional sub-directory, under the outputPath, where data files to be merged are stored. 
  • mergeSubDir* - Defines a sub-directory, under the outputPath, where the merged file is to be stored. 
  • mergeFileName* - Defines the name of the file that will store the merged data. 
  • dataFileName* - Defines the name of the data files that were generated under the standard partition directory structure:


  • dataFileExt* - Defines the extent of the dataFileName (e.g. .txt, .xml, .json, .sql, .csv, etc.

Receiver Attribute Property Keys

There are no property keys necessary for this Receiver.