Note: All requests in this article use the POST method type.
- Monitoring the GMUS Queue
- Clearing the Queue by ID
- Checking the GMUS Queue History
- Run a Scenario from a secured request
Monitoring the GMUS Queue
You can monitor the GMUS queue with the following API request.
Clearing the GMUS Queue
Clearing the Queue by ID
Checking the GMUS Queue History
You can check the GMUS queue history with the following API request. The history by default lasts for 3 hours only for a queue process. But the hours can be configured using a property historyDurationInHours from GMUS properties file.
To check the queue history for a particular queue Id, you need to pass queueId as a parameter:
Clearing the GMUS Queue History
GMUS REST for secured requests
In order to run GMUS for secured requests, your request URL must have the domain, instead of localhost. If you are on Windows, you need to add the domain name in C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc\hosts file. If you are on Linux/Mac, you need to add the domain name in /etc/hosts file. You need to update line that starts with to something like localhost
Run a Scenario from a secured request:
A secured REST request is made to the GMUS to run a Scenario on port 8443.
- URL:
- Method Type: POST
Parameters (with example values):