
To use the GMUS, your client application must first be registered within your GenRocket organization. You can register the client application from within your "My Organization" page. This article shows how to do so.

Who can Register a Client Application?

  • Only users assigned the Org Admin role in the GenRocket web platform can register the client application.

How to Register a Client Application

  • Expand the Organization Menu in the Menu Bar (contains the org name and user's first name).

  • Select My Organization.

  • Select the GMUS Applications tab and then select the New Application button.

  • Enter the Application Name and, optionally, a brief Description.
  • Click Save.

  • Once saved, GenRocket will receive your request for an application ID. When your client application is successfully registered, it will be given a unique UUID, and you will be notified by email of your successful registration.

  • Your client application will use this UUID when it makes requests to run Scenarios via the GMUS. The GMUS will use the client application UUID to validate the client applications that can run GenRocket Scenarios and generate synthetic test data.