Run a Scenario when inMemory parameter is False

A REST request is made to the GMUS to run a Scenario with the inMemory parameter set to false. When inMemory is false, all active Receivers will output data to their respective destinations. 

Parameters (with example values):

  "clientAppId" : "XXXXXXXX-1e47-abcd-ba66-XXXXXXXXXXXX",
  "clientUserId": "XXXXXXXX-abcd-4284-aa45-XXXXXXXXXXXX",
  "username"    : "",
  "scenario"    : "UserScenario.grs",
  "scenarioPath": "/home/jDoe/Download/output",
  "inMemory"    : false,
  "keepFileName": true
Optionally you can pass keepFileName request parameter to get the generated file name as well so that you can make further requests to download the output file by file name.