Run a Scenario when inMemory parameter is False

A REST request is made to the GMUS to run a Scenario with the inMemory parameter set to false. When inMemory is false, all active Receivers will output data to their respective destinations. 

Method Type: POST

Parameters (with example values):

  "clientAppId" : "XXXXXXXX-1e47-abcd-ba66-XXXXXXXXXXXX",
  "clientUserId": "XXXXXXXX-abcd-4284-aa45-XXXXXXXXXXXX",
  "username"    : "",
  "scenario"    : "UserScenario.grs",
  "scenarioPath": "/home/jDoe/Download/output",
  "inMemory"    : false,
  "keepFileName": true

Note: For Windows machines, the scenarioPath should have two slashes: C:\\Users\\jDoe\\Downloads\\output.

Optionally, you can pass the keepFileName request parameter to get the generated file name as well so that you can make further requests to download the output file by file name.