Run a Scenario when inMemory parameter is Both

A REST request is made to the GMUS to run a Scenario with the inMemory parameter set to "both". When inMemory is both, the SimpleMapReceiver is added to the Domain along with Receivers assigned to the Domain so it can produce the data in memory and all active Receivers output the data to their respective destinations.

The data that is generated in memory is passed back to the calling client as JSON.

Method Type: POST

Parameters (with example values):

    "clientAppId" : "XXXXXXXX-1e47-abcd-ba66-XXXXXXXXXXXX",
    "clientUserId": "XXXXXXXX-abcd-4284-aa45-XXXXXXXXXXXX",
    "username"    : "",
    "scenario"    : "TestScenario.grs",
    "scenarioPath": "/home/jDoe/Downloads/output",
    "inMemory"    : "both"

Note: For Windows machines, the scenarioPath should have two slashes: C:\\Users\\jDoe\\Downloads\\output.