Run Scenario with Test Data Case including Test Data Rules and Test Data Queries

A REST request is made to the GMUS to run a Scenario with a Test Data Case (G-Case) that includes Test Data Rules and/or Test Data Queries. 

URL:  http://<ipAddress>:8070/rest/scenario

Method Type: POST

JSON Payloads to execute G-Case including Test Data Rules (G-Rules) and Test Data Queries (G-Queries) using GMUS API.

    "clientAppId": "XXXXXXX-2560-487b-bfc9-XXXXXXXXXX",
    "clientUserId": "XXXXXXX-86f7-4e23-b3df-XXXXXXXXXX",
    "username": "",
    "scenario": "DepartmentScenario.grs",
    "scenarioPath": "/home/joe/Downloads",
    "inMemory": false,
    "api": [{
            "methodName": "testDataCaseAdd",
            "parameters": {
                "categoryName": "Beta",