
This article defines the syntax for creating a G-Repository Client Repository.  A G-Repository Client Repo mirrors a Project Version managed by a G-Repository Server or directly from GenRocket Cloud.

Note: If you haven't yet created a G-Repository Client Base Subdirectory, please see How to Create a G-Repository Client Base Subdirectory first, before creating a G-Repository Client Repo.

Command to Create a G-Repository Client Repository

Syntax: -grcltc -grepo repoName

Example: genrocket -grcltc  -grepo BankDemo 

Example Usage

In the example below, a User launches a command-line terminal and the full -grcltc command to create a G-Repository Client Repo named BankDemo:

> genrocket -grcltc -grepo BankDemo

***** Welcome to G-Repository Client *****

Are you sure you want to create a GenRocket client repository (y/n): y

Do you want to connect to an OnPremise G-Repository Server (y/n): y

Please enter G-Repository Server's URL (e.g.

Please enter G-Repository Server's main port number (e.g. 8020): 8020

*** Successfully connecting to repository server at localhost:8020 ***

Please enter G-Repository Server's download port number (e.g. 8021): 8021

*** Successfully connecting to download server at localhost:8021 ***

Please select the G-Repository Server's protocol, http=1 or https=2 (select 1 or 2): 1

1. AccountSimData

2. BankingDemo

3. InvoiceProject

4. BlackBoxDemo

5. ChatBotData

6. MongoPopulate

7. OraclePopulate

8. EdgeCaseSSNDemo

9. EDI-834-005010-X220

10. EDI-837-P-005010-X222

11. EDI-850-004010-X359

12. FixedFileMasking

13. GenRocketBank

14. GenRocketBankUI

15. HL7Data

Select Project (1-15):

*** Checking G-Repository Server For Updates ***

Checking every 10 Seconds, Please stand by...

Ok, We’re Good!

Are you sure you want to create your client g-repository (y/n): y           

Your g-repository has been created for Default 1.0 Project Version

Your g-repository is updating Default 1.0 Project Version

Checking for updates...

Processing AccountLevelScenario.grs - 0.04 ms

Processing AccountScenario.grs - 0.01 ms

Processing AccountTablesScenarioChain.grsc - 0.008 ms

Processing AccountTypeScenario.grs - 0.006 ms

Processing BankAccountStories.gstryste - 0.008 ms

Processing BankingTables.gtdc - 0.013 ms

Processing BankMediumSetup.gstryste - 0.008 ms

Processing BankSmallSetup.gstryste - 0.006 ms

Processing BankTypeSetup.gstryste - 0.004 ms

Processing BranchScenario.grs - 0.004 ms

Processing CardProductScenario.grs - 0.014 ms

Processing CardTypeScenario.grs - 0.01 ms

Processing CustomerAccountScenario.grs - 0.006 ms

Processing CustomerScenario.grs - 0.009 ms

Processing PopulateAllForMediumTestData.gstryepc - 0.006 ms

Processing PopulateAllForSmallTestData.gstryepc - 0.006 ms

Processing StartingBalanceRules.gtdr - 0.005 ms

Processing TransactionScenario.grs - 0.01 ms

Processing TransactionTypeScenario.grs - 0.007 ms

Processing TypeTablesScenarioChain.grsc - 0.006 ms

***** G-Repository Client update completed - 3s *****