
This article describes how Scenario-run statistics are sent to GenRocket's Data Warehouse.

In This Article

What are Scenario-run Stats?

Each time a GenRocket Scenario, ScenarioChain, ScenarioChainSet, StorySuite, or StoryEpic is run, G-Repository Client automatically saves statistical information about the run, so the stats from each run can be sent to GenRocket's data warehouse.

When the stats from a Scenario-run reaches GenRocket's data warehouse, the data is parsed and moved into many dimension tables and several fact tables. These combined dimensions and fact tables form a design pattern called a Star-Schema. From Star-Schemas containing hundreds of millions to billions of rows of data, complex queries can be run to quickly return critical statistical facts about a single Scenario-run or hundreds to thousands of combined Scenario-runs in just milliseconds.

For Curious Geeks and Just for Fun

Send Scenario-Run Stats from G-Repository Client via G-Repository Server

The Sequence Diagram below shows the sequence of steps that are taken to move Scenario-run stats from G-Repository Client to GenRocket's data warehouse when a G-Repository Client uses a G-Repository Server as its proxy (you may want to click on the Diagram to have it zoom out for a closer look).


Send Scenario-Run Stats from G-Repository Client Directly to GenRocket Cloud

The Sequence Diagram below shows the sequence of steps that are taken to move Scenario-run stats from G-Repository Client to GenRocket's data warehouse when a G-Repository Client sends its stats directly to GenRocket Cloud (you may want to click on the Diagram to have it zoom out for a closer look).