
The Attribute Dashboard can be used to manage an Attribute's assigned Generators and their Parameter configurations. 

The top portion of the dashboard contains Attribute Parameters, Properties, and a Preview Pane. The bottom part of the dashboard provides options for assigning and managing Attribute Generators. 

In This Article

How to Access the Attribute Dashboard

The Attribute Dashboard can be accessed by selecting an Attribute within the Domain or Scenario Domains Dashboards. 

  1. Select an Attribute within the Domain Dashboard to view the Attribute's configuration.

  2. Select an Attribute within the Scenario Domain Dashboard to view the Attribute's configuration.

Attribute Parameters

The Attribute Tab, located at the top of the Attribute Dashboard, can be used to view and manage Attribute Parameters

Note: Remember to click the Save
 button whenever changes are made to the Attribute's Parameters.

Attribute ParameterDescription
NameGenRocket Camel Case Naming Convention. This is the name displayed in the GenRocket Web Platform. 
Original Name

The actual name, as imported, that you will see in the output.

% NullDefines the percentage of time the null value is used for negative testing.
Null ValueDefine the null value or click * for an empty string.
Output ConditionDefines whether to exclude the Attribute from a Receiver's output when the value is either null, blank, or both.
VisibleVisible to Receivers when true, invisible to Receivers when false.
PrimaryDefines the Primary Key Attribute for referential integrity. When this parameter is checked, the Primary Key Attribute will have a Key icon to the left of its name. 

TypeImports the type of Attribute from a DDL or XTS file. 

Note: The Type parameter can also be configured when manually enabling a Generator's Enforce Type/Limit option. For more information, click here.

SizeImports the size of the Attribute from a DDL or XTS file. 

Note: The Size parameter can also be configured when manually enabling a Generator's Enforce Type/Limit option. For more information, click here.

Table ReferenceImports foreign key from DDL or XTS file.
Date FormatDefines the Date Format if the Attribute is generating a Date.
DescriptionA small note to understand the meaning of the Attribute.
RequiredImports Boolean nullable value of an Attribute from DDL or XTS file.
UniqueImports Boolean value of an Attribute from DDL or XTS file

Attribute Buttons

The following buttons can be used to manage an Attribute: 

Save changes made to an Attribute's parameters. 
The Copy button can be used to perform one of the following actions: 
  1. Copy the Attribute to a selected Project Version of a given Project and selected Domain.
  2. Copy the Attribute at the Domain Level to the Organization Level

Note: For more information about copying an Attribute to a selected Project Version and Domain, click here. For information on copying an Attribute to the Organization Level, click here.
Remove the Attribute from the Domain.

Properties Tab

The Properties Tab within the Attribute Dashboard can be used to view and manage the Attribute's Property Keys for the assigned Domain Receiver(s).

Save changes made to Attribute's Receiver Property Key values.
View the selected Receiver's Parameters within the Receivers Dashboard.
View the selected Receiver's Property Keys for all Attributes.

Preview Pane

The Preview Pane provides a quick preview of the test data that the Attribute will generate.

Attribute Tab

Assigned and linked Generators for the Attribute are displayed at the bottom of the Attribute Dashboard within the Attribute Tab. 

Here, users can manage the assigned Generator's Parameter configuration, remove a Generator, replace the current Generator, and link Generators together to generate more complex test data.

Generator Parameters

All assigned Generators will appear in the table underneath "Linked Generators." The currently selected Generator and its Parameter configuration are displayed on the left side at the bottom of the dashboard. 

The Enforce Type/Limit option ensures that generated data is within a defined data size. For more information about the Enforce Type/Limit option, click here. 

This option is enabled automatically for each Generator when a DDL File or XTS is imported into the application. It can also be enabled and configured for any Generator configuration with a Domain.  
The Save Generator button should be used after making changes to a Generator's Parameter configuration or after assigning a new Generator to the Attribute.
The Remove Generator button can be used to remove the currently assigned Generator from the Attribute. Click here for more information.
The Project Tag button can be used to create a Project Level Generator Tag using the selected Generator and its Parameter configuration. Click here for more information.
The Replace button can be used to replace the current Generator with the one selected in the Quick Generator Replacement menu or that has been typed in. Click here for more information.
The Info icon can be used to view more information about a Generator, Generator Option, or Generator Parameter.
The Video icon can be used to access and view a tutorial video for the Generator.

Linked Generators Section

Generators can be linked together to generate more complex test data for an Attribute. Linked Generators may be referenced by another Generator's Parameters for generating more specific test data. 

The table located underneath displays each Generator that has been assigned to the Attribute. If more than one Generator is present, they are referred to as Linked Generators. In the example below, only one Generator has been assigned. 

Here is an example of Linked Generators within the Attribute Dashboard: 

These Linked Generators combine together to form an orderNumber consisting of 4 Digits, 1 Letter, and 3 More Digits:

The following icons and buttons can be found within the Linked Generator section of the Attribute Dashboard

The Add Generator button can be used to add (link) another Generator to the Attribute. For more information about linking Generators, click here.
The Copy Generators button can be used to complete a simple or pattern copy of the Generators.
The Delete All Generators button can be used to delete all Generators from the Attribute.
The Add button can be used to add the entered or selected Generator in the Add Generator menu as a linked Generator for the Attribute.
The Pencil icon can be used to add or edit the Alias for a Generator.
The Show Generator References icon may be used to view Generator References for the Attribute.
The Trash Can icon may be used to delete a Generator from the Attribute.
The Replace Generator icon can be used to replace a Generator.
This icon may be used to change the position of linked Generators. The position of a Generator is significant because it determines what other Generators can reference it within the Attribute.

Note: A Generator must be located above the Generator that is referencing it within the table. If it is not, then it will not be an available referencing option.

Preview Tab

The Preview Tab shows a preview of the test data that is being generated by each Generator assigned to an Attribute (individual or linked). 

When Generators are linked, the data for each Generator can be viewed in this tab.