
This article describes Generators, Receivers, and other components that combine to make the G-Map Solution.

Component Diagram of G-Map Components

GenRocket Generators 

This section defines the different types of GMap Generators.

  • GMapKeyValueGen - used in conjunction with the GMapReceiver to send key/value data to a G-Map Server.
  • GMapGetGen - retrieves a value from a G-MapServer based on a referenced value representing the key.
  • GMapBatchGen - retrieves a set of Data-Values from a G-MapServer based on a set of Key-Values that follow a predefined data pattern
  • GMapServiceGetGen - retrieves a Data-Value, via a referenced Key-Value, from the GMapService instead of a G-MapServer.

GenRocket Receivers

This section defines the different types of G-Map Receivers.

GenRocket GMapServer

This section defines the remaining G-Map components.

  • GMapServer - Handles command-line options, loading configs, setup, launches a Grizzly Server, and stores Key-Value/Data Value data in memory and persistent cache.
  • GMapController - The controller tier handles requests between the Grizzly Server and the service tier.
  • GMapService - The service tier handles requests between the controller tier and JCS Cache Manager. 
  • Grizzly HTTP Server - Handles HTTP Requests.
  • JCS Cache Manager - Handles volatile cache and persistent cache.

GenRocket GMapServer Sample Config

The config file will be required by G-Map Generators and Receivers to allow connection to G-Map Server.

URL syntax: http://ipAddress:port/rest/

Sample file:


Note: The IP address in the URL is generated dynamically when the G-Map Server is launched and will need to be updated in the configuration file each time it is launched.