
The GMapBatchGetGen retrieves a set of Data-Values from a G-MapServer based on a set of Key-Values that follow a predefined data pattern.

For example, a RangeGen Generator with a startRange of N and an increment of M would be a predefined data pattern.

Let's take a concrete example:

  • A User Domain has a primary id Attribute using a RangeGen Generator initialized with a startRange of 1000 and an increment of 1
  • If the User Domain's loopCount is set to 10000, it will create a pattern of Key-Values from 1000 to 101000.
  • Thus, if a GMapBatchGetGen, references a RangeGen Generator that follows the same pattern, then it can generate batches of Key-Values (e.g., 1000) and make singular get requests to a G-Map Server to retrieve the batch values in one response.
  • Thus, the GMapBatchGetGen is faster at retrieving data from a G-MapServer than the GMapGetGen, when the Key-Values follow a predefined data pattern.

Component Diagram

The component diagram below shows how the GMapBatchGetGen interacts with the G-MapServer.


The following parameters may be configured for the GMapBatchGetGen Generator. Items with an asterisk* are required.

  • configPath* - Defines the base path where a configuration file contains the REST URL and port for connecting to a G-MapServer.
  • configSubDir - Defines an optional subdirectory where a configuration file contains the REST URL and port for connecting to a G-MapServer.
  • configName* - Defines the name of the configuration file that contains the REST URL and port for connecting to a G-MapServer.
  • namespace* - Defines the namespace within a G-MapServer to store key/value data.
  • mapKeyName* - Defines the name of the key to query for within the namespace of a G-Map Server.  
  • keyReference* - Defines the Attribute to reference whose Generator will generate the value used as the key.
  • batchSize* - Defines the number of keys to retrieve in a single call to a G-Map Server, whose key/values will be temporarily stored in the Generators' local memory for fast retrieval.


The image below shows the GMapBatchGetGen referencing the gen1 linked Generator as its Key-Value.