
The GMapServiceGetGen, retrieves a Data-Value, via a referenced Key-Value, from the GMapService instead of a G-MapServer. The GMapServiceGetGen is designed for use with applications written in Groovy, Java, where direct access to a G-Map cache is possible, and speed is essential.

For example, GenRocket's GMigration+ uses the GMapServiceGetGen to automate the process of caching Attributes used for Synthetic Data Replacement of values shared across multiple databases.

Component Diagram

The component diagram below shows how the GMapServiceGetGen interacts with the G-MapServer.


The following parameters may be configured for the GMapServiceGetGen Generator. Items with an asterisk* are required.

  • configPath* - Defines the base path where a configuration file contains the REST URL and port for connecting to a G-MapServer. 
  • configSubDir - Defines an optional subdirectory where a configuration file contains the REST URL and port for connecting to a G-MapServer. 
  • configName* - Defines the name of the configuration file that contains the REST URL and port for connecting to a G-MapServer. 
  • namespace* - Defines the namespace within a G-MapServer to store key/value data. 
  • mapKeyName* - Defines the name of the key to query for within the namespace of a G-Map Server.
  • keyReference* - Defines the Attribute to reference whose Generator will generate the value used as the key.
  • region* - Defines the region within the given GMapCache.config to reference. The default region is named 'default.'


The image below shows the GMapServiceGetGen referencing the gen1 linked Generator as its Key-Value.