
This article defines the syntax for automating the creation of a G-Repository Server via a properties file.  

Run Command to Automate the Creation of a G-Repository Server (GRS)

Syntax: -grsrvac /pathTo/PropertiesFile

Example: genrocket -grsrvac /home/configs/repositoryServer/

Create a File with Parameters To Launch a G-Repository Server

The configuration properties to automate the launching of a G-Repository must contain the following parameters:

  • profileId - The external profileId of the GenRocket Organization.
  • serverName - The server's name that will be registered with the GenRocket Organization.
  • serverPort - The local port the G-Repository will communicate with Repository Clients.
  • downloadPort - The local port the G-Repository will download from to Repository Clients.
  • overrideServerName - Default(True) When False, the creation process will throw an exception if the value of the serverName is already registered within the GenRocket organization.  When True, a new externalId is updated with the registered name, returned to the local G-Repository, and saved as its externalId.
  • repositoryDirectory - The directory's full path where the repository will be created. 
    • The path must contain a minimum of three subdirectories (/home/user/serverDirectory)
    • During the creation process:
      • If the path does not exist, then all paths will be created.
      • If the path already exists, the creation process will be terminated if it contains any files.

Example Properties File


Example Execution

$ genrocket -grsrvac /Users/jdoe/configs/GRepositoryServer/

***** Auto Creating Repository Server *****



Creating table, organization...

Creating table, project...

Creating table, project_version...

Creating table, config...

Creating table, gdelta_tracker...

Instantiating Check Connection Listener Thread

Creating local repositories for all Projects under organization, GenRocket...

Creating repositories for project, AcmeDemoData...

  Downloading files for projectVersion, Default 1.0 Project Version...

    Processing AuthorizationUserRolesScenario.grs... ADD... - 0.409 ms

    Processing Cases.gtdc... ADD... - 0.371 ms

    Processing PersonalInformationsScenario.grs... ADD... - 0.354 ms

    Processing SystemAdminScenarioChain.grsc... ADD... - 0.221 ms

    Processing UsersScenario.grs... ADD... - 0.327 ms

***** G-Repository ProjectVersion update completed - 2s *****


  Downloading files for projectVersion, Recruitment Partners...

    Processing AddressScenario.grs... ADD... - 0.331 ms
