
This article provides a quick preview of the user's steps to generate EDI test data on their local computer.

Before downloading the required files to generate EDI data, it is essential to verify the environment set up and that users generating EDI data have the appropriate files.

Steps for Generating EDI Test Data

Complete the following steps to generate EDI Test Data:

  1. Download the EDI Config File
  2. Rename the file to Config.xml
  3. Place the EDI Config File within the config subdirectory
  4. Download the Scenario Chain Set
  5. Download the Test Data Case (G-Case)
  6. Run the Scenario Chain Set with the G-Case Command

Additional Information

The following articles can be used to learn more about the above steps for generating EDI Test Data: 



How to set up the Environment for Generating EDI Data
Learn more about setting up your environment to generate EDI test data.
How to modify the EDI Config file within an EDI ProjectLearn more about modifying the EDI Config File Name and Output File Name for an EDI Project.
EDI Output File Name: Reference Attribute or G-Case Suite, Category, or Case NameLearn more about having the EDI output file name reference an Attribute, G-Case Suite, G-Case Category, or G-Case Name. 
How to Generate EDI Test Data
Learn more about generating EDI test data. 
EDI Test Data Generation: Step-By-Step GuideView a step-by-step guide for generating EDI test data.
EDI Test Data Generation Troubleshooting
View information about how to resolve EDI test data generation problems.