
Users can select tables for a full load during data subsetting. If a table is selected, all records within the table will be loaded during the migration. This option is only available when data subsetting conditions have been applied to a table within the G-Migration+ configuration (i.e., Where Clause and/or Limit). 

In This Article

When Should This Feature Be Used? 

  • Any time a table needs to be fully migrated during data subsetting.

Can Any Table Be Selected?

  • Tables with subsetting conditions and their descendants cannot be selected for a full load. 
  • This ensures referential integrity during the migration.

Usage Example

  • A user wants to migrate a subset of data from a source to a target database using three tables:  
    • Customer - Subsetting Table
    • Account - Descendent of the Subsetting Table
    • AccountType - Table containing each account type (e.g., checking, savings, credit card). 
  • The user wants a full table load for the AccountType table.
  • Since it is not a descendent and does not have the subsetting condition, the AccountType table can be fully loaded.

Prerequisite Steps

  1. The user creates an XTS file.
  2. The user sets up a G-Migration+ Configuration.
  3. The user imports the Table Schema (i.e., XTS file)
  4. The user adds tables for subsetting.
  5. (Optional) user selects sensitive columns in added tables for Synthetic Data Masking (SDM).
  6. The user adds Data Subsetting conditions to a table (Where Clause / Limit).

How to Save Tables for a Full Load

  • Select the Full Load tab within the G-Migration+ Dashboard.

  • Click Select Tables.

  • Select the checkbox for each table.
  • Click Save once finished.

    Note: Only tables that can be fully loaded will have a checkbox. The table with the subsetting condition and any descendants of that table cannot be fully loaded.

  • The selected tables will appear within the Full Load tab, as shown below:

    Note: The table will also be added to the Tables tab. This is so the user can select columns for SDM.

How to Remove a Full Load Table

  • Select the Full Load tab within the G-Migration+ Dashboard.

  • Click the Delete (Trash Can) icon.

  • Click Yes to confirm.