
This article defines the syntax for running a G-Repository on a Secure Server - HTTPS protocol. For the HTTP command, click here. 

Command to Run a G-Repository Server (GRS)

Syntax: -grssrvr <subdirectory>

Example: genrocket -grssrvr /home/serverMachine/GRepositoryServer

Optional Parameter for SSL Certificate Details

SSL certificate details are provided when G-Repository Server is installed/launched. The default GenRocket SSL Certificate will be applied with as a sub-domain if the properties file is not passed as a parameter. 

To provide your organization's SSL Certificate details, you can use the following optional command parameter when launching G-Repository Server. This command option passes the SSL certificate details in a properties file during the launch. Please provide the complete path of the properties file, as shown below. 

Syntax: -gprop <path to properties file>
Complete Command: genrocket -grssrvr <repository server path> -gprop <properties file path>

Example: genrocket -grssrvr /home/serverMachine/GRepositoryServer -gprop /home/serverMachine/info/

Properties File Details

You will need a properties file containing the SSL certificate details to use this parameter. It should include the following properties. Click here to see a complete example of SSL and GMUS. The information is the same, but the command is different. 

Important: You must provide the keystore and trust store in JKS format. If they are in another format, you must convert them first. 

  • keystoreFile - This property should be set with the absolute path to the keystore file. The keystore file contains the server's certification, including its private key. 
  • truststoreFile -This property should be set with the absolute path to the truststore file. The truststore file contains certificates from other parties that is expected to be communicated with, or certificate authorities that are trusted to identify other parties.
  • keystorePassword - This property should be set with the password for the specified keystore file.
  • truststorePassword - This property should be set with the password for the specified truststore file.

Refer to the sample config file below:


Command Line Example (No SSL Certificate Information) 

In the example below, the G-Repository Server, created under the subdirectory, /home/serverMachine/GRepositoryServer, is being run via HTTPS protocol.

genrocket -grssrvr /home/serverMachine/GRepositoryServer

***** Commencing G-Repository OnPremise Server Startup-Sequence *****

***** Loading Server Configs & Initializing ServerDTO *****

***** Executing Server Startup Checklist *****

***** Resetting ProjectVersion State & Removing Orphaned Directories *****

***** Instantiating Download Server Thread *****

***** Instantiating Auto-Deletion Manager Thread *****

***** Initiating G-Repository OnPremise Download Server on port 8021 *****

***** Waiting to accept request number 1 *****

***** Instantiating Auto-WaitToCopy Manager Thread *****

***** Instantiating Auto-Update Manager Thread *****

***** Instantiating Auto-Stats Manager Thread *****

***** Instantiating Grizzly Http Server *****

Feb 08, 2021 11:38:09 AM com.sun.jersey.server.impl.application.WebApplicationImpl _initiate

INFO: Initiating Jersey application, version 'Jersey: 1.12 02/15/2012 04:51 PM'

Feb 08, 2021 11:38:09 AM org.glassfish.grizzly.http.server.NetworkListener start

INFO: Started listener bound to [localhost:8020]

Feb 08, 2021 11:38:09 AM org.glassfish.grizzly.http.server.HttpServer start

INFO: [HttpServer] Started.

***** G-Repository OnPremise Server started at https://<IP Address>:8334/application.wadl *****