
A JDBC configuration file contains a standard set of parameters that enables a source (i.e., GenRocket Runtime) to connect to a target database. GenRocket can connect to any database that supports JDBC. This file is also referred to as the file and it should contain these parameters:

  • driver - Defines the path and name of the JDBC driver Jar file. The Jar contains a Java program that uses the JDBC API to load the specified driver for a particular DBMS before it actually connects to a database. The JDBC DriverManager class then sends all JDBC API calls to the loaded driver. Note: Varies per database. 
  • user - Defines a name used to connect as a user to the database.
  • password - Defines a password used to connect to the database for the given user.
  • url - Defines the Universal Resource Locator (URL) to connect to the database. Note: Varies per database.
  • batchCount - Defines the number of rows sent to the database per batch. This property is only mandatory for GenRocket Receivers.

NOTE: You can also encrypt this file for increased security. See How do I Encrypt Config and Property Files? to learn more. 

Example JDBC Configuration File

Below is an example of a JDBC configuration file defined to connect to a MySQL database called acme:


You can find additional examples in the appropriate connection article: 

What Features Require this File?

This file must be present for Runtime to connect to the database and query, insert, mask, or migrate a subset of data via JDBC. The following features require this file:

How Does GenRocket Know Where this File is Stored?

When you use a JDBC Config file to connect to a database and perform an action (query, insert, mask, subset, etc.), three important parameters define the location of the file: 

  • resourcePath- path to the JDBC config file (typically the 
  • resourceSubDir - subdirectory where the file is stored in the defined path. 
  • resourceName- the name of the JDBC config file (default name is, but can be different)

See How do I Structure Resource Subdirectories to Store Config Files? to learn more about how to structure and store config files. 

Generator Example

Receiver Example