Run a Scenario Chain "N" Number of Times

An additional executionCount parameter can included in the GMUS payload to execute a Scenario Chain 'n' number of times. 

For example, if the Scenario Chain normally generates 10 rows of data, and this parameter is set to five, then the Scenario Chain will be executed 5 times and generate 50 rows of data.

URL:  http://<ipAddress>:8070/rest/scenarioChain

Method Type: POST

Parameters (with example values)

    "clientAppId" : "XXXXXXXX-1e47-abcd-ba66-XXXXXXXXXXXX",
    "clientUserId": "XXXXXXXX-abcd-4284-aa45-XXXXXXXXXXXX",
    "username"    : "",
    "scenario"    : "AllScenarioChain.grs",
    "scenarioPath": "/home/jDoe/Downloads/output",
    "keepFileName": true
    "executionCount: 5