What is G-Families?

G-Families (or GFamilies) breaks down complex data models by organizing them into smaller family units based on defined Domain relationships. This feature is great for testing specific groups of Domains within complex data structures, such as databases. 

Users can quickly focus on a group of related Domains for testing. With a few clicks, they can efficiently categorize and create case suites for each family. Visual diagrams also provide a better understanding of the complex data model. 

G-Families End-to-End Demo Video

The following video provides a complete step-by-step demo for using G-Families. Please note that this video is the last one in a learning series containing multiple videos.  

Here are the links to the other videos in the learning series:

What Import Methods are Supported? 

  • XTS
  • DDL

How to Access and View G-Families

Users can access G-Families from the Self Serve Options menu or within XTS Wizard. To learn more, click here

Additional G-Families Information

See the following articles to learn more about G-Families.

G-Families Management DashboardLearn more about the G-Families user interface, including available options, viewing modes, and how to change what is displayed.

Helpful Setup Articles

GenRocket Extract Table Schema (XTS)Learn how to create an XTS file for importing your database schema.
XTS Import WizardLearn how to import an XTS file after it is created. 
DDL Domain ImportLearn how to import multiple Domains from a DDL. 
Domain Referencing WizardLearn how to review and modify relationships for imported Domains.
Generator Tuning WizardLearn how to perform Generator Tuning. 
How do I assign a Generator to a single Attribute?Learn how to assign a Generator to an Attribute.
How do I add a Receiver to a Domain?Learn how to assign a Receiver to a Domain.
How do I create a Scenario?Learn how to create Scenarios for your Domains.