
If a Domain is added manually to GenRocket, assigning a referential parent or sibling only takes a few steps. Each Domain in GenRocket can only have one parent Domain but many siblings.

Parent-child-sibling relationships can be set up and managed for Domains within a Project Version of a given Project. This is done through the Domain Dashboard for a selected Domain.

In This Article

Video Tutorial

This screen recording shows how to add a referential parent to a Domain:

How to Add a Referential Parent to a Domain

  • Navigate to the Domain Dashboard of the Domain that will be the child Domain.

  • Click on the Relationship Tab in the Domain Dashboard.

  • Click the Add Referential Parent button.

  • Select the Parent Domain by clicking on the appropriate radio button.

  • Click the Save button.

  • The parent has now been added to the Domain.

As Parent/Child/Sibling Relationships are defined for a Domain, a graphical representation of the defined relationships will be provided. 

In the example below, Department is a Parent to the User Domain, and the User Domain is a Parent to the Address Domain. 

How to Add a Referential Sibling to a Domain

  • Navigate to the Domain Dashboard of the Domain that will be the sibling Domain.

  • Click on the Relationship Tab in the Domain Dashboard.

  • Click on the Add Referential Sibling button. 

  • Select one or more Sibling Domains by clicking on each checkbox. Once finished, click the Add Siblings button.

  • Next, add Siblings to Scenarios by ticking the checkbox for each Scenario.

  • Click on the Add Siblings button. 

  • In the example below, the Address Domain has been added as a Referential Sibling to the Account Domain.