The SQLBatchUpdateReceiver connects to a database and performs batched updates using a configuration file that contains one or more SQL update statements to tables in one or more databases. This Receiver is useful when executing synthetic data replacement of values on multiple tables within one or more databases to guarantee data security.
In This Article
- Required Parameters
- Optional Parameters
- Receiver Attribute Property Keys
- Quotes for GenRocket Attribute Names
- Example Configuration File
- Example JDBC Property File
- Example Domain
- Example SQL Update Statements
Required Parameters
The SQLBatchUpdateReceiver requires that the following parameters be defined:
- configPath - Defines the path to the configuration file and XML files where database connection details ( and Update statements (XML file) are defined.
- configFileName* - Defines the name of the XML file.
Optional Parameters
- configSubDir - Defines a subdirectory under the configPath directory where XML files are stored.
Receiver Attribute Property Keys
No property keys are defined for this Receiver.
Quotes for GenRocket Attribute Names
- MSSQL Database - Use single quotes.
- MySQL Database - Use double quotes.
Example Configuration File
The following is an example configuration file showing the XML format that defines multiple JDBC connections and SQL Update queries. In this example XML configuration, there are three databases that will be connected to by reading their respective JDBC properties file.
The databases are:
- alpha
- beta
- gamma
The respective JDBC properties files are:
Within each <database><updateQueries>, one to many <updateQuery> elements may be defined. Each <updateQuery> element contains an SQL update statement. The SQL update statement may access the values of the primary Domain within a given Scenario.
Example JDBC Property File
The example JDBC property files connect to three MySQL databases, alpha, beta, and gamma:
- <jdbcPath>/Users/jdoe/resources/</jdbcPath>
Example Domain
The following example User Domain is used in a Scenario to generate test data; its id, firstName, lastName, and middleInitial attributes are used in the update queries described below.
Example SQL Update Statements
SQL Updates on the alpha Database
The two SQL update statements update the first_name and last_name of the user table in the alpha database.
SQL Updates on the beta Database
The two SQL update statements update the first_name and middle_initial of the user table in the beta database.
SQL Updates on the gamma Database
The two SQL update statements update the last_name and middle_initial of the user table in the gamma database.