
A Generator and its Parameter configuration can be copied to another Attribute within the same Project (or Project Version when applicable) at the Template or Scenario level. The Copy Generator feature works for both single Generators and Linked Generators. 

In This Article

What is the Copy Generator feature? 

The Copy Generator feature copies an Attribute's Generator and Parameter configuration to one or more Attributes within the same Project Version. A configuration can be copied to Attributes within the same Domain or another Domain as long as they are in the same Project Version. 

When should you use the Copy Generator feature? 

This feature should be used when you need the same Generator and Parameter configuration for multiple Attributes within a Project Version of a given Project. 

How does it work? 

A Generator and its Parameter configuration can be copied using one of two methods: Simple or Pattern.

  • Simple - This option can be used to copy Generator(s) and their parameters to one or more selected Attributes within a Project (or version when applicable). To learn more please see: How to Copy Generator(s) to Attributes: Simple Copy.

  • Pattern - This option can be used to copy one or more Generators from an Attribute to any Attribute within a Project Version that follows a pattern. This option will be discussed further in this help article. 

Pattern Matching Options

When using the Pattern Copy, you will have 4 options for matching an entered Value: 

  • Starts With - This option will list all the Attributes from the Project Version whose name starts with the value (e.g. count) that you have entered in the form. (e.g. countTest, countRest)

  • Ends With - This option will list all the Attributes from the Project Version whose name ends with the value (e.g. count) that you have entered in the form. (e.g. testCount, myCount)

  • Contains - This option will list all the Attributes from the Project Version whose name contains the value (e.g. count) that you have entered in the form. (e.g. userCountRecord, empCounts)

  • Matches - This option will list all the Attributes from the Project Version whose name matches the regex value that you have entered in the form.

How to use Pattern Copy for Single or Linked Generators

  • Select a Domain within the Project Dashboard.

  • Select the Attribute within the Domain Dashboard.

  • Next, click on the Copy Generators button.

  • In the dialog, select Pattern Copy and then click Next to continue.

  • Next, enter a Value in the Attribute Search Text input field.

  • Select a Match By option from the drop-down menu and then click Next to continue.

  • All Attributes matching the entered Value based on the Match choice will be displayed.

  • Use the checkbox to select each desired Domain Attribute.

  • Click Next to copy to the desired Attributes.

    Note: You can copy up to 50 Attributes at once. You will have to come back to choose a different set from the above screen to copy to more than 50 Attributes.

  •  Click Yes to confirm that you want to override the current assigned Generators for the select Attributes.

    Note: Once you copy a Generator to an Attribute it will delete the original Generator.  If you do not want to delete your previously assigned Generator click No.