

The Generator Tuning Wizard can be used to perform advanced Generator Tuning within a selected Project Version of a given Project. Users can see statistics on how well Generators have been associated to Attributes and make any needed changes from one location.

What is the Generator Tuning Wizard?

  • A wizard that can be used to easily adjust Generators across multiple Domains and Attributes to fine-tune test data accuracy.

When should it be used?

  • Any time users need to review, modify and fine-tune Generators across multiple Domain Attributes.


How does it work?

Step 1: Access the Generator Tuning Wizard

The Generator Tuning Wizard can be accessed in one of two ways: 

Method 1: 

  • Select a Project within the Project Dashboard.
  • Click on the Generator Tuning Wizard in the Project Versions Pane.

Method 2:

  • Select a Project within the Project Dashboard.
  • Next, expand the Self Serve Options Menu for a Project Version and select XTS Wizard.

  • Select the Generator Tuning Wizard in XTS Wizard.

Step 2: Select a Generator

  • Select a Generator within the Generators Pane

  • For this example, the NameGen Generator has been selected and is used in four Domains.   


Step 3: Select a Domain

  • Select a Domain within the Domains Pane

  • For this example, the Customer Domain will be selected. The NameGen Generator is assigned to 2 Attributes within this Domain.

Step 4: Select an Attribute

  • Select an Attribute within the top-right pane to view its Generator configuration.
  • Scroll up and down to view each Attribute for a selected Domain.

Step 5: View and Modify Generator Information

The middle pane on the far right displays the Generator configuration for a selected Attribute. Here, users can: 

  • Make Changes to Generator Parameters
  • Remove the Assigned Generator
  • Link Generators for an Attribute

(Optional) Copy Generators to other Attributes

The bottom pane on the far right can be used to search for and copy Generators to other Attributes. 

  • Select a Search Criteria option.

  • Enter a Keyword and click on the Search button.

  • Click on each checkbox to select Domain Attributes (or) click on the top checkbox to select all search results.

  • Select individual Domain Attributes by clicking on each checkbox or select all search results by clicking on the checkbox above the Selected column. 

  • Once selections have been made, click the Copy Generator button.

Additional Steps for XTS Wizard

  • Click on XTS Wizards in the breadcrumb bar to return.

  • Once finished, click on Mark Completed for Step 3.

  • Click on Yes in the prompt.