

The Receiver Assignment Wizard within XTS Wizard can be used to select a Receiver, filter to a set of Domains, and assign the Receiver to each Domain within the filtered set of Domains.  

In This Article

How to Access the Receiver Assignment Wizard

  • Select a Project within the Project Dashboard.
  • Next, expand the Self Serve Options Menu for a Project Version and select XTS Wizard.

  • Select the Receiver Assignment Wizard within the XTS Management Wizards.

Step 1: Take Ownership of the Wizard

  • Click on Take Ownership at the top of the Wizard.

  • Click Yes to confirm.

Step 2: Select a Receiver

  • Click on Select Receiver in the left pane.

  • Click on the Select Receiver button.

  • Search for and select a Receiver. For this example, the DelimitedFileReceiver will be selected.

Step 3: (Optional) Modify Receiver Parameters and Save Changes

  • Changes can be made to the Receiver parameters once a Receiver has been selected.

  • Click Save Changes once finished.

Step 4: Select Domains

  • Next, click on Select Domains within the left pane.

  • Select a Search Criteria option and enter a Keyword (if required) to filter Domains. 

    AllView all Domains.
    Exact MatchDomain name must match the entered keyword precisely.
    Begins WithDomain name must begin with the entered keyword.
    Ends WithDomain name must end with the entered keyword.
    ContainsDomain name must contain the entered keyword.
    RegexDomain name must meet the defined regex criteria. Hover over the Regex option to view these criteria.

  • For this example, All will be selected. Click the Filter button to view all Domains.

  • (Optional) Make changes to the selected Action Criteria. Exclude Domains is selected by default.

    Exclude Domain(s) Having ReceiversWhen selected, the selected Receiver will not be added to Domain(s) that already have a Receiver. 
    Replaces Matching ReceiverReplace the currently assigned Receiver for selected Domains that already have a Receiver assigned to them. 

  • Select each Domain the Receiver should be added to by clicking on its checkbox. Note: The Select All option above the list of Domains can be used to select all displayed Domains.

Step 5: Execute the Changes

  • Click on Execute Changes in the left pane.

  • Click on Start Execution to assign the selected Receiver to the selected Domains.

  • Click Yes in the dialog prompt.

  • The wizard will appear as shown below once the process has been completed successfully.

Step 6: Confirm and Validate the Changes

  • Click on Summary (Home) to view a summary of the executed task.

  • Next, click on the Click to Confirm & Validate the Execution Changes button.

  • Click Yes to confirm.

Step 7: Exit the Wizard and Mark as Completed

  • Click on XTS Wizards in the breadcrumb bar to return to the XTS Wizards.

  • Click on Mark Completed for Step 4.

  • Click Yes in the prompt window.