June 2024

A GenRocket Jar update is required for this release. Please see the following page for step-by-step instructions:

Release Date
Jar Files
Bug Fix
July 1, 2024

Engine jar (
GMUS was failing on running a Scenario.
Release DateJar FilesNew Features
June 28, 2024
GenRocket jar (

Engine jar (

Generator jar (

Receiver jar (

The following new features were in this release:
  • ListJSONGen - This Generator parses a JSON file and retrieves data from specified fields for an Attribute. Click here to learn more. 

  • MultiWeightChildGen - This Generator allows percentage distribution of data among the children of a Parent Domain.

The following enhancements were in this release:
  • SQL Insert File Generation support in Partition Receivers and G-Migration+ - Six new parameters have been added to the MySQLPartitionReceiver and PostgreSQLPartitionReceiver to create SQL Insert files for bulk data insertion. This is helpful for environments where direct JDBC insertion is not permitted. 

  • Organization Variables and Receivers - An Organization Variable can be referenced in a Receiver parameter. This helps when a value needs to be changed for many Domains because the user does not have to perform repetitive steps to ensure the value is used for each Domain. They can set up the Organization Variable and then ensure that a change in one place is reflected everywhere it is required. Click here to learn more.

  • RESTDirectoryV2Receiver- The Receiver has been enhanced to support GET method type requests for login. Click here for more information. 

Release DateJar FilesEnhancements
June 14, 2024
GenRocket jar (

Engine jar (

Generator jar (

Receiver jar (

GRepository jar (

The following enhancements were in this release:
  • G-Questionnaire - Enhanced Questionnaire to allow multiple constant values in Tester mode for an Attribute. This will automatically assign a ListGen to the corresponding Attribute, and the constant values will be added to its list parameter.

  • Japanese Generators - Existing Japanese Generators generated only Kanji names. The Generators have been enhanced to support both Kanji and Half Width Kana representations.

Bug Fixes

The following bug fixes were in this release:

  • QueryEachToMapGen - Reading previous value if no value was found in the database.

  • G-Repository Server - Error encountered too many open files.