
This article guides users through their first Audit Report when a Project has been set up using a method other than XTS. For additional information and examples, please see How to Request and Manage G-Delta Audit Reports.

For Projects set up using a method other than XTS, the first Audit Report may have many audits. This is because the Domain import or creation method may not be able to capture all the column and table metadata properly. So, when G-Delta is executed for the first time, it will try to update the missing information. 

Below is the recommended approach to completing the Audit quickly. To do so, you should complete the Audit in two batches. In Batch 1, you accept only those Audits that were not set correctly during the initial import, and Batch 2 will be the actual Audit, where the GDelta Admin will look for each Audit and decide what to accept and what to reject.

 Steps Summary

Batch 1 - Accept the Table Columns/Attributes Property Audit Changes

Accept these recommendations:

  1. Change Attribute Size
  2. Change Attribute Type
  3. Change Required
  4. Change Unique
  5. Change Primary

Tip: You can enter the above text into the filter field to see only those types of Audits.

Reject all remaining Audits in the report using the Reject Remaining option. 

Then, accept the report (thumbs up) and refactor Approved Audits to the Project Version. You can manually request another Audit using the Request Audit option or wait for it to be provided automatically at the set time interval.

Batch 2 - G-Delta Admin Audit with Decisioning

If a new Audit is requested, all the rejected Audits from Batch 1 will reappear in Batch 2. You will need to complete the steps below: 

Step 1 - Look for ADD PARENT Audits and Accept/Modify proper Parent-Child Relationships 

You can use the Wrench to select a different recommendation (e.g., add sibling, delete parent, delete sibling) or use the Thumbs Up to accept the current recommendation.

Step 2 - Look for DELETE DOMAIN Audits and Determine Which Tables were Renamed

If a table has been renamed, there will be two Audits in the report for that table: 

  1. Delete existing Domain
  2. Add Domain with a new name

To recognize the table that was renamed, complete the following steps:

  1. For Delete Domain Audit, click on the Wrench icon.
  2. Select the Change Domain Name option.
  3. Select the new Domain/Table Name.
  4. Click Save and then Yes in the additional prompt.

This approach ensures that the Add Domain Audit is automatically "rejected" and the Delete Domain Audit gets changed to "Change Domain Name."

Step 3 - Look for Delete Attributes Audits and Determine Which Columns were Renamed

If a column has been renamed, there will be two Audits in the report for that column: 

  1. Delete existing Attribute
  2. Add the Domain Attribute with a new name

To recognize the column that was renamed, complete the following steps: 

  1. For the Delete Attribute Audit, click the Wrench icon. 
  2. Select the Change Attribute Name option.
  3. Select the new Attribute/Table Column Name
  4. Click Save and then Yes in the additional prompt. 

This approach ensures that the Add Attribute Audit is automatically "rejected" and the Delete Attribute Audit gets changed to "Change Attribute Name."

Step 4 - Recheck to see the Audit for Delete Parent and Sibling and Accept/Reject the Audit Accordingly

Sometimes, a Domain may have a different parent or sibling in the Project than what has been defined in the database being audited. In this case, there may be additional Delete Parent or Sibling Audits. If there are no Delete Parent/Sibling Audits, you can continue to the next step.

Otherwise, you may need to make adjustments or accept/reject them. In some cases, this Audit item will be automatically rejected based on other decisions, so it's best to check one more time before continuing. 

Step 5 - Accept all the Non-Actioned Audits

Please take a few moments to review any remaining Audits that do not require changes or additional actions. Then, use the Accept Remaining button to accept the rest of them. Alternatively, you can do so individually using the Thumbs Up icon.

Step 6 - Use the Thumbs Up to Refactor all Approved Audits to the Project Version

Once finished, you are ready to refactor the approved Audits to the Project Version. Select the Thumbs Up to do so.

Step 7 - Check the Project Version after Refactoring and Make Needed Changes (e.g., Generator Tuning)

Please take some time to look over the refactored Project Version and ensure everything is correct. Then, make any needed changes to Generators, etc.