February 2025

A GenRocket Jar update is required for the February release. Please see the following page for step-by-step instructions:

Release DateJar FilesEnhancements
February 28, 2025gr-engine-
The following enhancements were in this release:
  • Merge Receivers Segment Deletion (Windows operating system only) - Segment folders created by the SegmentDataCreatorReceiver for each Domain were not being automatically deleted by the assigned merge receiver. This enhancement corrects the issue so they no longer have to be deleted manually on Windows machines for the following Receivers.
    • AvroSegmentMergeReceiver
    • JSONSegmentMergeReceiver
    • ORCSegmentMergeReceiver
    • ParquetSegmentMergeReceiver
    • ParquetSegmentMergeV2Receiver

  • DelimitedFileMaskReceiver- Two receiver parameters have been added to allow lines from the top and bottom of the source file to be skipped when masking. Skipped lines will be copied from the source to the destination file as is, without being masked.
    • skipTopLineCount 
    • skipBottomLineCount

Bug Fixes
The following bug fixes were in this release:
  • G-Query with MultiWeightGen - The loopCount set by G-Query did not generate the correct values when using MultiWeightGen. This occurred because the QueryToMapGen did not set the loopCount, which is required by the MultiWeightGen during initialization.

  • RestDirectoryV2Receiver - An issue occurred when a Login API call was made, and the response was returned with a token. The token will be parsed to be passed for future API calls.