What is a Receiver?

Each GenRocket Receiver receives the raw data from an Attributes Generator and morphs it into a usable output format. There are 100+ types of Receivers available to format and deliver generated data for your test case. 

  • Any SQL database such as DB2, MS SQL, Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL, etc.
  • NoSQL databases such as MongoDB
  • Web Services formats such as REST API, SOAP, XML, and JSON
  • Fixed File Formats such as CSV, Excel, VSAM, NACHA, and BAI2
  • Big Data Formats such as Parquet and Avro
  • Message and Event Formats such as Kafka, MQ, and SWIFT
  • COTS applications such as Salesforce, SAP Guidewire, and Duck Creek
  • Complex data feeds such as X12 EDI and FHIR
  • Documents and images such as PDF, JPEG, TIFF, and PNG
  • Cloud Environments such as AWS, GCP, and Azure

Note: Our team is constantly adding new Receivers based on customer requests. If you are a paying customer and do not see a Receiver for your specific type of data format in the list below, please contact us to make your request at support@genrocket.com. New industry standard Receivers are added to the GenRocket platform at no cost.

In This Article

Video Training

For a quick video tutorial, please take a second to watch the video provided below:


Receiver Column Order 

By default, GenRocket uses a Domain's Attribute hierarchy to specify the output file's column order. Since GenRocket Attribute references depend on their hierarchy, your Attribute hierarchy might not match your desired column order.  You can adjust the output column order in the Receiver Dashboard with the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the Receiver you want to update the column order for
  2. Select the "Attribute Property Keys Tab"
  3. Drag and drop your Attributes to specify the column order for your output file
  4. When you run your Scenario, your column order will match the one you specified here

Additional Resources

GenRocket Supported Output FormatsView a complete list of supported output formats. 
GenRocket Receiver ListView a full list of available Receivers. 
Receiver DashboardLearn about available options in the Receiver Dashboard.
Receivers in DetailView individual articles for Receivers.
What are V2 Receivers?Learn more about V2 Receivers.
What are Bulk Load Receivers?Learn more about Bulk Load Receivers. 
What is a Configuration File?Learn more about configuration files and how they are used with Receivers. 
Using GenRocket with Images and PDF DocumentsLearn about available options for generating images and PDF documents. 

Receiver "How To" Articles

How do I add a Receiver to a Domain?Learn how to add or assign a Receiver to one or more Domains. 
How to use Dynamic File and Directory Configuration for Receivers?Learn how to use Dynamic File and Directory Configuration.
Nested Output: Cross Reference a Hidden Attribute in File/Directory Config NameLearn how to cross-reference a hidden Attribute in the File or Directory Configuration Name for nested output.
How can I create a database table with GenRocket?Learn how to use the SQLUpdateV2Receiver to create a database table (e.g., Oracle, MySQL, etc.). 

How to generate Flat Avro File Format

See step-by-step instructions on how to generate flat Avro. 
How to generate Nested Avro File FormatSee step-by-step instructions on how to generate nested Avro. 
How to generate Nested Parquet File FormatSee step-by-step instructions on how to generate nested Parquet.
How to Generate NACHA File FormatSee step-by-step instructions on how to generate NACHA.
Deploying test data for MQ messagesLearn about deploying test data for MQ messages.