
Test Data Rules are a key part of GenRocket's Self Service Test Data Portal. We organize all the Test Data Rule functionality into a part of the GenRocket platform we call "G-Rules" (also referred to as "GRules" in some articles). 

Test Data Rules (G-Rules) are not intended to replicate Business Rules. Instead, they allow testers to create complex test data for testing and validating complex business rules. G-Rules can be used to modify any GenRocket Scenario, Scenario Chain, or Scenario Chain Set. Additionally, multiple G-Rules can be applied to any GenRocket Test Data Case, providing unlimited ways to generate test data for testing and validating your business rules.

Simple Rules Example

For example, you want to generate customer records where their account balance determines their reward level. Customers should have the following reward levels based on these balances:

  • Gold - 5,000 or above
  • Silver - Between 2,500 and 4,999
  • Bronze - 2499 or less

Without any defined rules, the customer could have a balance of 5,000 and be assigned the 'Bronze' reward level or a balance of 1,000 and be assigned the 'Gold' reward level. 

For a Project Version, you can define one or many rules organized into a suite. Each rule has conditions that must be met for one or more actions to occur during test data generation.

You can generate test data with only rules and scenarios or add them to individual Test Data Cases. This ensures that each variation a case defines generates data that follows the defined logic.

In This Article

Overview Video

Please take a minute to view the following video showing how Test Data Rules work in GenRocket:

Self Service Portal Diagram

When Should Test Data Rules Be Used?

  • Any time generated test data needs to adhere to business logic for required tests.

What are the Benefits of Rules?

  • You can easily apply business logic to generated test data for complex testing challenges!

How to Access G-Rules

  • Select a Project in the Project Dashboard
  • Expand the Self Serve Menu Options and select G-Rules

What Prerequisite Steps Are Required? 

Users must perform the following steps before G-Rules can be set up for a Project Version within the GenRocket web platform: 

  1. A Project must be set up with at least the default Project Version. 
  2. Domains must be imported or created.
  3. Each Domain will need to have a Receiver.
  4. Domains generating test data will also need a Scenario. 
  5. Domain Relationships must be set up at the Domain (Template Level).

How do Test Data Rules Work?

In just a few steps, you can define a Test Data Rule.

  1. Create a G-Rule Suite to organize rules. 
  2. Create G-Rules by setting up Conditions and Actions
  3. (Optional) Add Default Rule
  4. Download Required Files (G-Rule Suite, Scenario, etc.)
  5. Copy the Command Line and Generate Test Data

Note: Test Data Rules may run with Test Data Cases, which allows the generated test data for a specific Test Data Case to follow defined business logic. 

Additional Information

For information about Test Data Rule Suites and Rules, please see the following pages: 



How to Add and Setup Test Data Rules

Learn more about adding and configuring Test Data Rules.

How to Add Conditions and Actions to Rules

Learn more about configuring Rule Conditions and Actions.
How to Generate Test Data with Rules and a ScenarioLearn more about downloading and running a G-Rule Suite with a Scenario.
How to Add a Rule to a Test Data Case.Learn how to add a Test Data Rule Suite to a Test Data Case.