What is a Domain?

Domains define real-world objects. Think of a Domain as you would a noun: a person, place, or thing. 

A Project Version within a Project can have several Domains. Each Domain can have one or many Attributes which define the characteristics of a Domain. These are referred to as Template Domains. 

Domains represent a core part of a data model (e.g., a database table). At least one Domain must be set up within a Test Data Project to generate test data. 

Some examples of Domains for Projects are shown below: 

In This Article

Training Video

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When Should Domains Be Used?

  • Any time a user needs to generate test data for a data model.

How Do Domains Work?

  • A Domain within a Project Version is a template that contains specified Attributes, Generators, and Parent/Child/Sibling relationships.

  • GenRocket Domains control their own referential integrity via parent, child, and sibling relationships, irrespective of the data model.  

  • When a Scenario is created, it is a copy of the Template Domain that contains the same Attributes, Generators, and Relationships. This is referred to as a Scenario Domain. 

  • Changes made to the Template Domain or the Domain Relationship cascade down (or refactor) to each Scenario unless it is locked at that level.

Can a Domain Reference Another Domain's Attributes?

  • A domain is just a template and works independently of any other Domain. We cannot establish any actual/real relationship between Domains. Relation at the Domain Level is just probable.

  • As we can not establish any real relationship at the Domain Level, we can not reference any Attribute from the other Domain. 

  • This can be done at the Scenario Level or when using Test Data Cases. 

How to View and Manage Domains

Domains can be viewed and managed from two main dashboards within the GenRocket web platform. 

  • Project Dashboard - View, modify, and remove Domains through the Domains pane. This information is displayed automatically based on the selected Test Data Project and Project Version.
  • Domain Dashboard - Select a Domain in the Domains pane to view more details.
    be imported, created, viewed, and modified from the Domains Pane within the Project Dashboard.

How do I create Domains?

Domains may be imported or created in multiple ways for a Project Version of a given Project: 
  • Importing Data Model (e.g., XTS Wizard, JSON, DDL, XSD, CSV)
  • Manually Create Each Domain (e.g., Scratch Pad, Quick Pattern Domain, New Domain)

Each time a Domain is created, it will have three default variables: id, loopCount, and seed. The default value for each of these variables is 1. Click here to learn more. 

Domains Example - Modeling a Database

If a database is being modeled, a Domain represents a database table, and its Attributes represent the data columns within the table. 

For example, a database with four tables is being modeled. The four tables listed below would be Domains, and any data elements in parenthesis would be Attributes.

  • Company (name, address, city, state, zipCode)
  • Department (name, phoneNumber)
  • User (firstName, middleInitial, lastName, username, password)
  • Address (streetAddress, city, state, zipCode)

This image shows the User Domain described above within the application: 

Learn More About Domains

The topics below can be used to learn more about Domains: 



Domain DashboardLearn more about the Domain Dashboard. 
What is a Scenario Domain?
Learn more about Scenario Domains.
What is a Template File?Learn about creating template files for a Domain. 
How do I set Parent/Child/Sibling Relationships between Domains? Learn how to add a Domain as a referential Parent or Sibling for a selected Domain. 
How do I use the Domain Referencing Wizard? Learn how to validate and set Parent-Child-Sibling Relationships after importing a data model. 
How do I change the loopCount for a Domain? Learn how to change a Domain's loopCount.
How to copy or replicate a DomainLearn how to copy a Domain.
How do I create a Domain Category?Learn how to create Domain Categories.