
The Menu Bar can be used to access several User and Organization Admin features. It is located at the top of the GenRocket web platform.

In This Article

Project Dashboard

The Project Dashboard menu bar option can be used to return to the Project Dashboard from any other dashboard within the web platform.

Options Menu

The Options Menu can be used to download the latest version of GenRocket Runtime, Jars, and Help Libraries. It can also be used to manage Default Generators and Default Receiver Parameters. 

Menu Option


Turn Auto Generator On/OffThis menu option can be used to turn Auto Generator on or off. When off, GenRocket will not automatically assign Generators to new Attributes.

Manage Default GeneratorsThis menu option can be used to access, view, and manage Default Generators. 

A Default Generator contains a list of synonyms that act like a list of reference values for assigning the Generator to an Attribute. Default Generators are shared with the entire organization.

Note: For more information, click here.

Download Runtime x.x.xx.xThis menu option can be used to download the latest version of GenRocket Runtime.  
Download GenRocket Jar x.x.xx.xThis menu option can be used to download the latest version of the GenRocket Jar. For more information on how to update Jar Files, click here

Download Engine Jar x.x.xx.x This menu option can be used to download the latest version of the Engine Jar. 

Note: This Jar can be updated automatically by opening a Command or Terminal window and entering: genrocket -a

Download Generator Jar x.x.xx.x This menu option can be used to download the latest version of the Generator Jar.

Note: This Jar can be updated automatically by opening a Command or Terminal window and entering: genrocket -a

Download Receiver Jar x.x.xx.x This menu option can be used to download the latest version of the Receiver Jar.

Note: This Jar can be updated automatically by opening a Command or Terminal window and entering: genrocket -a

Download GRepository Jar x.x.xx.x
This menu option can be used to download the latest version of the GRepositoryServer Jar.

Note: This Jar can be updated automatically by opening a Command or Terminal window and entering: genrocket -a
Download GRepositoryClient Jar x.x.xx.x This menu option can be used to download the latest version of the GRepositoryClient Jar. 

Note: This Jar can be updated automatically by opening a Command or Terminal window and entering: genrocket -a

Download Runtime Docker Image x.x.xx.x This menu option can be used to download the runtime Docker image for use with Windows.

Generator Help LibraryThis menu option can be used to download the Generator Help Library.
Receiver Help Library This menu option can be used to download the Receiver Help Library.

Management Menu

The Management Menu can be used to access several management features within the web platform, including EDI Management, Organization Attributes, Organization Variables, Project Categories, and Team Management. 

Menu Item


EDI ManagementThis menu option can be used to access the EDI Management Platform, which can be used to generate X12 EDI test data for standardized transaction sets/documents such as EDI 837, 834, 835, and 850.  

Note: If this feature is not enabled for your Organization, you will not see it within this menu.

Note: For more information, click here.

Organization AttributesThis menu option can be used to access, view and manage Organization Attributes. 

An Organization Attribute is an Attribute containing one or more assigned Generators that can be referenced at the Organization Level in GenRocket.

Note: For more information, click here.

Organization VariablesThis menu option can be used to access, view and manage Organization Variables. 

Organization Variables are variables that are global to all projects within your GenRocket organization.

Note: For more information, click here.

Project CategorizationThis menu option can be used to access the Project Categorization Dashboard. This dashboard can be used to view and manage Business Units, Categories, and Tags for Project Categorization.

Note: For more information, click here.

Team ManagementThis menu option can be used to access, view, and manage teams and team permissions within the Organization. Only Organization Admins can access this feature.

The Team Management feature can be used to create and manage teams. A Team contains assigned Projects and Users. Each team member can access Team Projects based on their set permissions.

Note: For more information, click here.

Presets Menu

The Presets Menu can be used by Organization Admins to create Projects from GenRocket or Organization Presets.

Menu Item


GenRocket PresetsThis menu option can be used to create a Project from GenRocket Presets. Only Organization Admins can create a Project from a Preset.

Organization PresetsThis menu option can be used to create a Project from Organization Presets. Only Organization Admins can create a Project from a Preset.

Help Menu

The Help Menu can be used to access help resources, including knowledge base help articles and Generator/Receivers Lists. It can also be used to contact support at

Menu Item


Help ArticlesThis menu item can be used to access the documentation knowledge base.

Community ForumThis menu item can be used to access the community forum.

Generator ListThis menu item can be used to view a list of Generators.

Receiver ListThis menu item can be used to view a list of Receivers.

Contact SupportThis menu item can be used to contact

Organization Menu

The Organization Menu can be used to manage your account and organization information. Additionally, it can be used to access various reports, activate or create a Salesforce Profile, manage Generator Tags, and log out of the web platform. 

Note: Some items within this menu will only be visible to Organization Admins.

Menu Item


My AccountThis menu option can be used to perform the following for your GenRocket user account:
  • Update User Profile
  • Change Password
  • Change Access Key
  • Manage Salesforce Profile

My OrganizationThis menu option can be used to view information about your Organization. 

Change OrganizationThis menu option can be used to switch to another Organization. It will only appear in the menu if you belong to more than one Organization.

Choose Salesforce ProfileThis menu option can be used to view, create, and activate your Salesforce Profiles. 

Note: For more information, click here.

Users ReportThis menu option can be used by Organization Admins to view active users for a specified date range.

Generator TagsThis menu option can be used to access, view and manage Organization Generator Tags.

Generator Tags define rules for assigning a Generator automatically to new Attributes based on a specified tag value and match type.  

Note: For more information, click

GenRocket Jar Release HistoryThis menu option can be used to access and view GenRocket Jar Release History information.

Note: For more information, click here.

What's NewThis menu option can be used to view available What's New articles within the knowledge base. These articles highlight new features and enhancements each month. 

Queue HistoryThis menu option can be used to view the Queue history for the Queue Status Pane within the Project Dashboard.

LogoutThis menu option can be used to log out of the GenRocket web platform.