What is G-Portal?

G-Portal is part of GenRocket's Distributed Self Service Platform, supporting enterprise scalability, where a small group of Test Data Engineers (TDEs) in a Center of Excellence (CoE) can support large, distributed teams of developers and testers. 

G-Portal, through an easy-to-use, lightweight web interface, helps connect the CoE with the distributed team of test data consumers. Test data consumers can search for existing test data, create test data requests, track requests, and download test data components all through one platform. This centralized web integration reduces delays, improves communication, and ensures high-quality test data in the specified format and the volume required for testing. 

In This Article

What are the Benefits of G-Portal?

  • Provides a central location for users (testers and developers) to search for, request, and generate their test data. 
  • An easy-to-use portal that does not require GenRocket "power user" knowledge. 
  • Reduce or eliminate errors due to miscommunication for test data requests. 
  • Reduces test data provisioning cycle time by enabling search for existing test data that can be leveraged for a new request.
  • Provides a holistic view where progress can be tracked from the time the request is submitted until it is completed. 

When Should G-Portal be Used? 

  • Any time an organization uses a Center of Excellence (CoE) model, where there is a group of Test Data Engineers (TDEs) that are responsible for generating and provisioning test data to a distributed team of testers, developers, and other test data consumers. 

How Does G-Portal Work?

  • Requester searches for existing data using one of the following methods: 
    • Search from Project using "Project Category Search"
    • Search by Components
  • Requester creates a test data request by clicking on "New Request."
  • Portal Admin assigns a TDE to work on the new request. 
  • TDE designs the data accordingly and adds components to the request.
  • Requester can manage/track the request and communicate directly with the assigned TDE.
  • Requester can download project components and instructions. 

What Setup Steps are Required to Use G-Portal?

The following steps are required (or recommended) before using G-Portal:

  1. G-Portal must be enabled for your organization. 
    • Please contact the GenRocket support desk or your Customer Success Manager to enable G-Portal. 
  2. An Org Admin must assign the appropriate G-Portal Roles to users before they can use it.  
    • Available G-Portal User Roles - Portal Admin (PA), Portal Engineer (PE), and Portal Requester (PR).
    • The PA and PE roles can be assigned to a single user.
    • A Portal Admin is not the same as the Org Admin role.
    • Note that even the "Portal Requester" role must be assigned to an enabled GenRocket user. 
  3. Users generating test data must set up GenRocket Runtime on their local machine. 
  4. (Recommended) Set up G-Repository Server and Client
  5. (Recommended) Use the Project Categorization feature to categorize Projects.

G-Portal Dashboard

The G-Portal Dashboard is the main page of G-Portal for viewing, submitting, and managing G-Portal Requests within the GenRocket web platform. From this dashboard, users can also search for existing test data projects and components. 

This dashboard will appear differently depending on what role has been assigned to the user. 

For the Portal Admin (PA) or Portal Engineer (PE) role, the G-Portal dashboard can be accessed from the Manage Menu in the Menu Bar by selecting the G-Portal option. 


Users assigned the Portal Requester (PR) role will automatically be directed to the G-Portal Dashboard when they log into GenRocket. 

The image below shows how the G-Portal Dashboard appears to Portal Requesters. 

How to Learn More About G-Portal

  • Contact your GenRocket Customer Success Manager for G-Portal Demo and Training.

"How To" and Reference Articles

  • Coming Soon!

The following pages can be used to learn more about the setup steps for using G-Portal:

How to Add Users to the GenRocketLearn more about how to add users to the GenRocket web platform. 
How to Edit Existing Users in the GenRocketLearn more about editing existing users in the GenRocket web platform. 
G-Repository Server SetupLearn more about creating a G-Repository Server. 
G-Repository Client SetupLearn more about creating and setting up G-Repository Client.
GenRocket Runtime OverviewLearn more about installing GenRocket Runtime.
How to Connect GenRocket Runtime to a DatabaseLearn more about how to connect GenRocket Runtime to a Database.
Project Categorization Overview
Learn more about the Project Categorization feature.