
This article details what metadata should be present in a created or imported Domain for G-Delta to detect changes and provide Audit Reports. XTS is the recommended import method because the required information is automatically included in the project as part of the import. 

Depending on the import method you use (e.g., XSD, DDL, JSON), the information discussed in this article may or may not be present for each Domain/Attribute. You can manually add this information to each Domain/Attribute before setting up G-Delta. If there are too many tables/columns and this information is not added manually, additional Audits will be included in the first provided Audit Report. 

IMPORTANT: You must at least verify and set up parent-child relationships between Domains when using another Domain import method. 

In This Article

Table Information

Ensure the table name is present in the Domain Dashboard for each Domain. 

When there are multiple schemas, include the schema name.

Column Information

The original table name, data type, and size information must be present for each Domain Attribute in the Project Version. 

Reference Attribute (Foreign Key)

This Attribute references the department table.

Domain Relationships

Domain relationships must also be manually defined or modified, depending on the import method. This should be checked before the first Audit to ensure the project is set up correctly. Relationships can be defined in one of two ways: 

Simple Example

We will use G-Delta for a simple Database schema containing two tables: Department and User. The user completes the following steps: 

  1. Creates a new Project or Project Version. 
  2. Creates the two Domains and their Attributes by importing a DDL file.
    • Domain = Table
    • Attribute = Column
  3. Enters Table Name for each Domain (shown above).
  4. Enters Original Name, Type, Size, and Table Reference information for each Attribute (shown above).
  5. Defines Parent-Child Relationships. 
  6. Finishes Project Setup (Generators, Receivers, Scenarios, Cases, etc.)
  7. Creates a G-Delta Configuration for the Project Version.
  8. New Audit Reports will be available when changes (i.e., deltas) are detected.