
GenRocket needs to understand your data model to generate your test data. From our experience, every team has a different level of access to their data model (i.e., direct access to the database, access to flat files, etc.). 

We offer sixteen primary methods that can be used to import or manually create your data model. While you can manually create each Domain and Attribute necessary to define your data model, our import options make this process faster and easier when thousands of tables must be added to a Project. 

Sixteen Ways to Import Your Data Model

There are sixteen primary ways you can import your data model into GenRocket:

DDL File ImportThe Import from DDL option can be used to import your data model as a single or multiple data definition language (DDL) into a Project.

A Single Table DDL can be used to create a single Domain by pasting a single table DDL. To learn more about this method
please view this help article.

A DDL File can be read to create multiple Domains within a Project. To learn more about this methodplease view this help article.

GenRocket Extract Table Schema (XTS)The Import from XTS option can be used to create Domains and Attributes by importing a GenRocket Table Schema file into the selected Project. These files can be created by using the -xts command. To learn more about this method, please view this help article.
CSV ImportThe Import from CSV option can be used to create Domains and Attributes by importing a CSV file into a selected Project. To learn more about this method, please view this help article.
CSV Import for Fixed FileThe Import from CSV for Fixed File option allows you to import a CSV file of a defined format to generate a fixed file. The file must contain specific information (Domain Name, Data Type, Size, etc.). The user chooses the file delimiter, and GenRocket will automatically set up the project to generate Fixed File output. Click here to see the help article.
JSON File ImportThe Import from JSON option can be used to import a JSON File into GenRocket to automatically create the Domains and Attributes defined within the JSON, Avro, or Parquet files. To learn more about this method, please view this help article. 
JSON Schema File ImportThe Import from GenRocket JSON Schema option enables the importing of the many different and evergrowing JSON formats into the GenRocket web platform and successfully turning those formats into concrete Domains with Attributes, Generators with Parent/Child Relationships. For more information, please see these articles: 
XSD ImportThe Import from XSD option can be used to create Domains and Attributes by importing an XML Schema Definition (XSD) that formerly describes the elements of nesting of an XML Document. All Domains and Attributes will be created based on the imported file within the selected Project or Project Version. To learn more about this method, please view this help article.
YAML Import

The Import from YAML option can be used to create Domains and Attributes by importing a YAML file based on Open API version 2.0 specification for a selected Project or Project Version. To learn more about this method, please view this help article.

Import from PresetsThe Import from Presets option can be used to create Domains and Attributes from GenRocket-defined presets or your own custom presets. A Preset contains predefined Domains with their own Attributes and Generator configurations. To learn more about this methodplease view this help article.
Import from Spark Schema

The Import from Spark Schema option can be used to create Domains and Attributes by importing a Spark Schema file to create a JSON, Avro, or Parquet output. To learn more about this method, please view this help article.

Import from Avro JSON SchemaThe Import from Avro JSON Schema option can be used to create Domains and Attributes by importing an Avro JSON Schema file into a selected Project Version within a Project. To learn more about this method, please view this help article
Import from CopyBookThe Import from CopyBook option can be used to create Domains and Attributes by importing a CopyBook file. 
Import from SalesforceThe Import from SF option can be used to create Domains and Attributes by importing your Salesforce data model. To learn more about this method, please view this help article.
Scratch Pad

The Scratch Pad option allows testers to quickly and easily model simple to complex test data. To learn more about this method, please view this help article
Quick Pattern

The Quick Pattern option allows users to quickly and easily create Domains that follow a typical design pattern. There are currently three available design patterns: Map/Type Table, List, or Permutation. To learn more about this method, please view this help article

New Domain 

The New Domain option can be used to manually create an individual Domain. To learn more about this method, please view this help article.